A little command line crash course
- use
for avoid writing complete name. - use up/down arrow key for recently used command.
How to exit
from the cmd
how to terminate any running process
will cause termination of any running operation and will bring you to command line prompt.
get help with particular command
>help <command-name>
How to change drive in CMD
put the drive alphabet along with colon
>c: # navigate to c
>d: # navigate to d
How to clear the console
use cls
Navigate to folder with space
to naviagate to any folder( not drives)
>cd "new folder"
navigate to multiple levels
with complete path
>cd aryan/movies
list all files and folders
to list files and folders
get clean list
dir /b
it will clear the clutter
>dir /b
navigate to backward
cd ..
will cause one level backward
cd .. # cd ../
navigate to multiple backward
cd /
will cause root level
>cd /
how to make directory
>mkdir "folder name" # make in current directory
>mkdir "aryan khandelwal"/"folder name" # nested cmd
remove directory
careful deleted items won't be recoverable from recycle bin♻
>rmdir "file name"
remove non-empty directory
careful deleted items won't be recoverable from recycle bin♻
>rmdir /s "file name"
create a file with pre-content
# cmd #1
# below cmd will create a filename.txt with "" inside it.
>echo "" > filename.txt
# cmd #2
>copy con filename.txt
happy halloween
happy Christmas
# ctrl+z and enter to save
del files
not reversable
>del /p file.txt # delete file.txt with confirmation
>del /P *.txt # it will delete all files in current dir with confirmation. Omitting it might cause fatal damage.
command chaining (order matters)
below command will make dir and point to it.
>mkdir "hello world" && cd "hello world"
sequential execution
suppose there is not folder 📁 with the name aryan k
. The second command will run regardless of first command execution.
>cd "aryan k" & echo "" > file.txt
# it will create file.txt in current folder
conditional execution
You can control your command if faliure.
>cd "hello" || echo "not exist" # incase of hello not exist it will print "not exist"
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