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aseem wangoo
aseem wangoo

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Flutter Web and Navigation History

In case it helped :)
Pass Me A Coffee!!


We will cover briefly about

  1. Storing navigation routes
  2. Implement navigatorObservers

Article here:

1. Storing navigation routes

It's quite clear, we need a data structure for storing routes. 

Thought process: When we navigate between different links in a browser, the last link is usually the first to be traced back (on click of the back button).

Flutter Web and Navigation History

Going 1 link to several

  • You navigate to link A
  • After a while, you go to link B
  • Finally, you end up at the link C

(Note: This assumes you are in 1 single tab only)

On backtracking

Flutter Web and Navigation History

Going back now

  • You start backtrack from link C
  • You go to link B
  • Finally, you end up at the link A

(Note: This assumes you are in 1 single tab only)

The data structure right for use would be Stack since we need to push the routes onto the stack and pop (when we go back to the previous link).

Stack — Push, pop, top

Implementing Stacks in Dart

In doing my research I found


As per the documentation:

Classes and utilities that supplement the collection support in dart:core.

But did not find any explicit collection named Stack, until I stumbled upon ListQueue

List based Queue.

Keeps a cyclic buffer of elements, and grows to a larger buffer when it fills up. This guarantees constant time peek and remove operations, and amortized constant time add operations.

The structure is efficient for any queue or stack usage.

We will use ListQueue for storing our routes.

Implementing ListQueue for storing routes

We make an abstract class first, to define the operations which we will implement for our generic ListQueue.

abstract class _NavStack<T> {
  void push(T val) {}
  void pop() {}
  T top();
  List<T> fetchAll();
  void get clear {}

push: For pushing a route of type T

pop: For popping the route (topmost)

top: Get the route which is on top

fetchAll: Get all the routes saved.

clear: Clear the saved routes

Let’s define our class(NavStack) which implements the above abstract class(_NavStack).

class NavStack<T> implements _NavStack<T> {}

Initialize the list queue by

final ListQueue<T> _internal = ListQueue();

Pushing item

Pushing items in this list by using the addLast function of the list queue.

_internal.addLast('SOME VALUE');

addLast: Adds the items at the end. Since each new route will be the latest, we add it to the end of the list queue.

Popping item

Pop the item in this list by using removeLast function of the list queue.


removeLast: Removes and returns the last element of the queue. 

Top item

Getting the topmost or latest item in this list queue by the last function


last: Returns the last (or topmost) element. Meaning our latest route is always at the top of the stack.

Clearing and Fetching items

We will use the clear function of the list queue for clearing our stored routes.

For fetching items, we will loop through the length of the list, add items to a new list and return.

List<T> fetchAll() {
  final _list = <T>[];
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  return _list;

2. Implement Navigator Observers

Flutter Web and Navigation History (Output)

We have the list queue implemented from the above step.

Next, we need to place this list queue in our flutter web, in such a way that 

  • whenever a new route is pushed,
  • it should also be added to our NavStack class

There is a property inside MaterialApp called navigatorObservers. This implements RouteObserver internally.


RouteObserver informs subscribers whenever a route of type R is pushed on top of their own route of type R or popped from it. 

  • e.g. a RouteObserver<PageRoute> will inform subscribed RouteAware
  • whenever the user navigates away from the current page route to another page route.

Methods inside RouteObserver class

  • didPop (whenever a route is popped)
  • didPush (whenever a route is pushed)

We will create our own navigator observers which

  • extends the RouteObserver
  • implements the didPop and didPush methods
Flutter Web and Navigation History
  • Inside the didPushwe extract the current screen name and push it into our NavStack class. This way whenever a route is pushed, it also gets added to our class.

Finally, we add this custom navigator observer to MaterialApp’s property.

return MaterialApp(
  navigatorObservers: [CustomRouteObserver()],

In case it helped :)
Pass Me A Coffee!!

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