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Ash G
Ash G

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Achieving More: How software engineers can benefit from Kanban

I worked as a Software engineer for more than eight years. I've navigated countless projects, deadlines, and team dynamics. Managing my workload effectively was essential for my productivity and I’ve found Kanban to be an invaluable tool for task management.

In this blog, I’ll share how software engineers can utilize Kanban to organize projects, enhance focus, and streamline their work. Best of all, no special software is needed to follow a Kanban workflow, a simple Excel sheet with columns and cells can do the job just fine.

Benefits of Kanban

Before diving into the specifics, let’s quickly highlight the key benefits of using Kanban for personal task management:

  • Visual Organization: Kanban offers a clear visual layout of tasks, making it easy to see what needs to be done at a glance.
  • Increased Focus: Limiting work in progress (WIP) to a maximum of two tasks reduces cognitive load and minimizes distractions.
  • Adaptability: Kanban allows for quick adjustments to priorities, enabling effective responses to changing circumstances or urgent tasks.
  • Time Management: Kanban simplifies task estimation, making it easier to plan time effectively and allocate resources where they are needed.

Setting Up the Kanban Board

Step 1: Defining the Workflow

The Kanban board can be structured into the following lists:

  • Icebox: A collection of new ideas and future tasks for later consideration.
  • Backlog: A list of tasks to be implemented.
  • To Do: Items prioritized for immediate attention.
  • In Progress: Tasks that are currently being worked on.
  • Code Review: For tasks that require peer feedback.
  • Testing: For quality assurance checks.
  • Done: The section where completed tasks are stored.

This layout mirrors the software development lifecycle, from initial ideation through testing and completion.

Step 2: Creating Task Cards

Each task card includes:

  • Title: A clear and concise description of the task.
  • Description: A detailed overview of the task, including acceptance criteria that outline the specific conditions that must be met for the task to be considered complete.
  • Due Date: A deadline to assist in effective prioritization of tasks.
  • Labels for Estimation: Instead of traditional story points, labels can be used to indicate the estimated effort for each task. The labels represent time estimates as follows:
    • 0.5d: Half a day
    • 1d: One day
    • 2d: Two days
    • 3d: Three days
    • 1w: One week
    • 2w: Two weeks
    • 1mo: One month

This system provides a clear overview of the time commitment required for each task, allowing for effective workload planning.

Here’s a screenshot of Kanban lists created in Google Sheets:

Kanban example

Step 3: Time Blocking

To maintain focus, use time blocking to allocate specific periods for different tasks. For instance, you might dedicate the first two hours of the day to coding new features, followed by a block for addressing bugs or participating in code reviews. This method minimizes context switching, which improves productivity in software development.

Step 4: Work in Progress (WIP)

Establish WIP limits for the “In Progress” column, typically setting it to two tasks at a time. This principle is rooted in Lean methodology and helps you avoid multitasking, a common pitfall that can lead to reduced quality and slower progress. By limiting WIP, you can focus on completing tasks before taking on new ones, ensuring a more efficient workflow.

Step 5: Breaking Tasks into Smaller Components

For larger tasks, breaking them down into smaller, manageable chunks is crucial for building momentum. This approach makes it easier to tackle complex projects and keeps motivation high. For example, when implementing a new feature, tasks might include:

  • Gather Requirements: Understand the specifications.
  • Design UI/UX: Create mockups and user flows.
  • Develop Backend: Write the necessary code.
  • Unit Testing: Ensure functionality works as intended.
  • Code Review: Gather feedback from peers.

Each of these subtasks becomes its own card on the Kanban board, making it easier to track progress and maintain momentum.

Step 6: Review progress

Regularly reviewing the Kanban board is essential for assessing progress and adapting to changing circumstances. During this time, customer requests can be identified and addressed, and tasks can be reprioritized based on new information or shifting needs.

Step 7: Recognizing Milestones

It’s key to celebrate milestones, whether it’s moving an important task to the “Done” column or wrapping up a tough project. Taking a moment to acknowledge these wins boosts motivation and highlights the importance of delivering quality work.

Leveraging Kanban for Personal Development

In addition to task management, the Kanban board can be used to track personal development goals. Whether learning a new programming language, exploring a framework, or contributing to open-source projects, creating specific cards for these initiatives ensures that time is set aside for continuous learning. Staying on top of personal growth is important in the fast-changing tech landscape.

Final thoughts

Implementing Kanban for personal task management has transformed the way I approach my tasks. Its flexibility, focus on flow, and alignment with Lean principles make it a great fit for handling complex tasks. By using techniques such as time blocking, breaking tasks into smaller components, and employing Kanban color coding alongside time estimation labels, I can manage my workload effectively while maintaining a high standard of quality. If you're looking to boost your productivity and streamline your workflow, consider adopting Kanban. It might be the missing piece for optimizing your personal task management and achieving your professional goals.

For all my personal projects, I use the offline Kanban app Brisqi for personal task management. This tool provides a level of privacy and control that’s essential for my workflow and having a private space to manage tasks allows me to keep my thoughts and projects secure.

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