- This feature is designed to facilitate voice-controlled navigation in a React application. It utilizes the Web Speech API to transcribe user's spoken words into text.
- The application listens for specific keywords, namely "blog", "about", "contact", and "home" and "stop".
- When one of these keywords is recognized, the application automatically navigates to the corresponding route. For instance, if the user says "blog", the application will navigate to the "/blog" route. Additionally, the application provides the ability to stop the speech recognition service.
- When the user says "Stop", the connection to the speech recognition service is terminated, effectively stopping the voice-controlled navigation. This feature enhances the user experience by providing an alternative, hands-free method of navigation.
How to use it
- clone the repository
npm i
- It has 4 routes and 1 command now.
- home
- blog
- about
- contact
- stop (Command)
- When you say these words it will route to that particular page.

- To tell you the truth, it is lagging, I was planning to create a npm package for the same but did not like the way.
- Even though it sounds awsome but it will have performance impacts
Future Works:-
- May be in future I will try to add this in service worker to see the performance.
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