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Asma (Behnaz) Sormeily
Asma (Behnaz) Sormeily

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JavaScript && Python, Similarities `and` Differences!


Experienced programmers understand the subtleties of different programming languages. In this post, we're diving into JavaScript and Python, two titans in the tech world, to explore their unique features and how they compare. This insight is particularly valuable for seasoned developers seeking to broaden their understanding.

JavaScript vs Python: Similarities

High-Level Programming

Both JavaScript and Python are high-level languages, designed for simplicity and readability:

  • Python: Often likened to executable pseudocode due to its straightforward syntax.
  • JavaScript: Offers an approachable, C-like structure.

Interpreted Languages

  • No Compilation Needed: Ideal for rapid development and iterative testing. This contrasts with the compilation requirements of languages like Java or C#.

Dynamic Typing

  • Flexibility at Runtime: Both languages determine the type of a variable during execution, supporting dynamic typing and duck typing.
  • Duck Typing Philosophy: "If it looks and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck." This approach is often more intuitive than explicit interfaces in statically typed languages.

First-Class Functions

  • Functions as Citizens: Both treat functions as first-class entities, allowing them to be passed around and manipulated like any other object.
  • JavaScript Example:

    // Assigning function to a variable
    const greet = function(name) {
        return `Hello, ${name}!`;
    // Passing function as an argument
    console.log(greet('Alice'));  // Output: Hello, Alice!


  • Python: Known for simplicity and robust web frameworks like Flask and Django. Extensively used in data science and machine learning (Pandas, NumPy, TensorFlow).
  • JavaScript: Evolved from client-side scripting to server-side programming (Node.js). Frameworks like Express.js and React.js have made it essential for modern web applications.

Differences between JavaScript and Python


  • Python: Emphasizes readability with clean, English-like syntax.
  • JavaScript: Adopts a more traditional C-style syntax.

Concurrency Model

  • Python: Utilizes a multi-threaded approach, sometimes limited by the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). Overcomes this with multi-processing or asynchronous programming (asyncio).
  • JavaScript: In browsers, it's single-threaded with an event loop and supports asynchronous non-blocking execution. For true parallelism, it employs Web Workers.

Standard Library vs. Third-Party Modules

  • Python: Boasts an extensive standard library.
  • JavaScript: Relies more on third-party modules like NPM for additional functionality.

Execution Environment

  • JavaScript: Primarily used in browsers for web applications.
  • Python: More general-purpose, used in server-side applications, scripting, and data analysis.


  • JavaScript: Optimized for high performance in web applications (V8 engine).
  • Python: Prioritizes rapid development and ease of use over raw computation speed.


Both JavaScript and Python offer unique strengths, making them indispensable in modern software development. The choice often hinges on project needs and developer expertise. Mastering both, however, provides a comprehensive toolkit for tackling a wide range of programming challenges.

Top comments (2)

svm profile image
Hesam Sormeily

Im a newbie js/backend student and i found your post VERY useful. Thank you for your effort! Not every distinguished person likes to share their experience these days.

asormeil profile image
Asma (Behnaz) Sormeily

Thanks for your beautiful point of view. Wish you best of luck in your journey ❤️