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Ali Spittel
Ali Spittel

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How I Built an API with Mux, Go, PostgreSQL, and GORM

I've been seeing a lot of discussion about how fast Go is. According to the Benchmark Game Go is much faster than Node, somewhat faster than Java, and runs laps around Python and Ruby. Despite the performance level, Go still has a relatively nice developer experience. Semicolons are implicit, some typing is inferred, and the non-object oriented nature makes it more flexible. That's not even mentioning the built-in concurrency! I decided that I wanted to build something in Go to see if it would be a viable programming language for my apps in the future.


I first had to download Go on to my computer. Downloading it via the Go site didn't work on my computer -- it kept hanging and freezing. I ended up trying to install it via Homebrew. When you install Go, you also have to set up a $GOPATH on your computer which declares the workspace where you will create your Go projects. I had some difficulties getting this to work properly. Eventually, I added the following to my .zshrc which ended up working.

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
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I then wrote my code in $HOME/go/src/ according to the recommendations in the How to Write Go Code tutorial on the Golang website.

Getting Started

I started out using the Try Go tutorial on the Go website. It was a good intro tutorial, and I liked the interactive nature of it. I ended up feeling pretty comfortable with it after that simple introduction. To me, Go feels like a mash-up of C++, Python, and JavaScript. It didn't feel overly foreign to me like some languages have!

Final Project

I felt pretty comfortable moving on to more advanced concepts -- in this case I wanted to build an API. I've been leaning heavily towards microservice apps for the past year or so, and since my focus now is on web applications I wanted to build something web-based. I struggle to keep track of awesome coding articles to send to people, so I wanted to build a tool that would allow people to keep track of and shout out awesome articles that they find.

I will admit that I went straight into the final project after reading the documentation for the tools rather than going through tutorials like I normally do -- Go felt really comfortable to me, though I'm sure experts would have a bunch of improvements for me!

I started out with a hard-coded API with only a couple items in it -- similar to Francis Sunday's awesome tutorial. Through that article, I found Gorilla Mux which aids in routing in Go. The language has a built-in server, so I didn't have to add much code for that functionality.

I then wanted to add in a database. I use PostgreSQL for pretty much everything. I am super-reliant on its JSON and Array fields, but I prefer relational databases. I also prefer using ORMs in my apps, since they usually make querying more elegant syntactically. I found GORM, which was awesome to work with. It doesn't have all of the Postgres features built in, but I found it easy enough to implement my desired features just using the "pq" Go package.

Since there aren't a ton of resources on creating APIs with this stack in Go, I want to walk through my code a little bit more than I usually do.

After importing my dependencies, I defined a struct. Structs are "collections of fields". Though Go isn't object-oriented, structs to me feel somewhat class-like. You're defining a blueprint and then creating instances of it in your code. I wanted a couple fields in my API: the link for the resource, its name, its author, a description, and tags associated with it. GORM and Postgres added in the created_at, updated_at, deleted_at, and id fields as well on the output side. The only tricky field is for tags -- I ended up using the StringArray from pq since that wasn't built into GORM as far as I could tell.

type Resource struct {

    Link        string
    Name        string
    Author      string
    Description string
    Tags        pq.StringArray `gorm:"type:varchar(64)[]"`
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Next, I wrote my main function. This function is run automatically when the program is run and it starts off the other actions in your program. I started off with creating my Mux router which will simplify the url routing in the application. I then set a global variable for the database connection, so that I could use it throughout my app. I did some error handling as well in case I couldn't connect to the database. I used os.Getenv to interact with environmental variables set in my .env file. This also allowed me to deploy my app pretty easily at the end! I also migrated my database using GORM, so that no matter the database I was using, the schema would be correct when I started up my app.

Then, I implemented the routes for my app. I only had four that I initially wanted to create -- GET all, GET one, POST, and DELETE. I may also add a PUT for updating at some point as well. I like the routing that Mux offers, it is simple and clean.

Finally, I started the server on the last line of the main function -- it just specifies the port and router to use. It also specifies to log the error before shutting down the server.

var db *gorm.DB
var err error

func main() {
    router := mux.NewRouter()

    db, err = gorm.Open(
        "host="+os.Getenv("HOST")+" user="+os.Getenv("USER")+
        " dbname="+os.Getenv("DBNAME")+" sslmode=disable password="+ 

    if err != nil {
        panic("failed to connect database")

    defer db.Close()


    router.HandleFunc("/resources", GetResources).Methods("GET")
    router.HandleFunc("/resources/{id}", GetResource).Methods("GET")
    router.HandleFunc("/resources", CreateResource).Methods("POST")
    router.HandleFunc("/resources/{id}", DeleteResource).Methods("DELETE")

    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+os.Getenv("PORT"), router))
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Then, I wrote my route-handling functions. Each one takes in the HTTP response and the request as parameters -- similar to many web frameworks. First, I wrote the get all resources route. I first create an array of resources, then query the database for all of the resources, setting the result to the resources array. Then I send the response, which is a JSON of the resources.

func GetResources(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var resources []Resource
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The get one resource route is similar -- the only differences are that first the request parameters have be retrieved to be used in the query for the one resource.

func GetResource(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    params := mux.Vars(r)
    var resource Resource
    db.First(&resource, params["id"])
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The create function is very similar to the previous routes. Funny story behind this one -- I couldn't figure out why this function wasn't working for a while -- there wasn't an error but the fields were filling in as blanks when I was testing it using Postman. I then moved to CURl and it worked totally fine! There wasn't actually a bug, my ability to use interfaces well has just decreased!

func CreateResource(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var resource Resource
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Finally, I created the delete route. This one is similar to the previous ones, I just returned all of the resources upon deleting the specified one.

func DeleteResource(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    params := mux.Vars(r)
    var resource Resource
    db.First(&resource, params["id"])

    var resources []Resource
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In between each new piece of code, I ran go run on my code during development to check out my API. I didn't have too many issues with this -- if my code didn't compile, the error messages were clear and to the point. I barely noticed the extra step. At the end, I go install'ed my app and then could run the executable on my computer after that point. I also used godep for dependency management since I ended up using quite a few libraries!

I heavily relied on the GORM docs for all of the code! It was great -- easy to understand with clear examples! I would highly recommend all of the libraries I used in this app.

I also ran the builtin linter, gofmt, after finishing writing the code. I originally wrote it in a similar format to my JavaScript code, which the linter cleaned up. I did like my extra spacing, but I also enjoyed having my code better fitted to the Go style guide so easily!

I think the code is pretty straightforward and readable! I had a lot of fun working in Go for this project. The final project is on GitHub and is deployed online.


I was really nervous about getting this app deployed for some reason, given that my compiled language experience has not been web-based. In fact, I've only written code in compiled languages for school projects! I ended up following the steps on Heroku's site for deploying Go apps. I did have to change the way the environmental variables were stored, but otherwise, the steps worked out pretty well! I didn't need to do anything crazy after all!

Next Steps

I really enjoyed writing code in Go. I would definitely use it for a project again, especially if performance was important for a project. I would love to add on to this project as well. I will probably add tag filtering on the API side, authorization, and an update route. I will also probably add a frontend to this app in order to interact with the API more easily. This project was a lot of fun, and all in all I only spent about four hours to go from not having Go on my computer to having a final product! I found the syntax easy to understand and implement, and I didn't even mind having to deal with pointers, static typing, or compiling! Go 100% gets my stamp of approval, and I would use it above a lot of the languages I have used in the past!

Part of my On Learning New Things Series

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Top comments (19)

tangzero profile image
Jairinho • Edited

Nicely done. Simple and clean.

But I've some tips for you:

  • The GOPATH and GOROOT setup isn't necessary. GOPATH default is $HOME/go since Go 1.8. You can check where your GOPATH and GOROOT points to with "go env". Only need to set the PATH:

export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

  • You must validate the return of json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&resource). Always check your return errors.

  • db.Create, db.First, db.Find, etc can fail, so db.Error must be checked.

if err := db.Create(&resource).Error; err != nil {
    // error handling...

Keep learning and sharing! :)

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Interesting -- go install and godep didn't work before I set the GOPATH and GOROOT -- I would guess it is because of brew install instead of following the website directions.

I would check the errors on a bigger app -- the chances of this one being used are next to zero! More a learning experience than anything.

Thanks for the tips!

imthedeveloper profile image

How did you find the learning curve with GO? It's a language that seems to be picking up in popularity as of late and I'm just itching for a use case to start messing around with it. At the moment I'm pretty entrenched in Node and JS ecosystem.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel • Edited

I found the learning curve really small, though I think having C++ experience lowered it a lot. It did, in a lot of ways, feel like an Express app with more middleware built in though.

andres profile image
Andrés Pérez • Edited

I would suggest using Sprintf instead of concatenating your strings for the database connection, nonetheless, good job! working with Go is amazingly fun.

tangzero profile image
Jairinho • Edited

In this case, I think os.ExpandEnv is a better solution:

db, err = gorm.Open(
        os.ExpandEnv("host=${HOST} user=${USER} dbname=${DBNAME} sslmode=disable password=${PASSWORD}"))
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aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Oh awesome, didn't know about this -- will definitely try it!

andres profile image
Andrés Pérez

If you're defining the environment variables, yeah, sure.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel


umakanthdiwakar profile image
Umakanthan D

Nice article. GO/Postgres is the technology which we use to develop microservices in our organization. Choice here was on chi framework, due to its native support for GO context (available from GO 1.7) and for Postgres we use pgx for its ultra-fast performance, able to snapshot a few thousand records in a second or so. But then pgx is more of a low-level API resulting in a lot of boiler-plate code. We developed a pgx GO code generator to automate developing all the database access code. We recently opened up the generator code at It basically generates the entire database access code by reading the metadata from Postgres catalog schema. In a way encourages database first development, but saves a lot of effort. Generated code is pure GO and pgx, with no dependency on our library.

assertnotnull profile image
Patrice Gauthier

Great article!
I want to point though things to consider though, specially related to web development.
Node or Javascript in general is not made for computational work so the benchmark test doesn't reflect the general problem faced by web development. WebAssembly will help a lot with computational load. To be fair, Node has more of a memory problem when handling a lot of data, I'm facing exponential memory usage at work but this is a different problem.
I think that Golang is really suited for fast and easy to develop portable shell apps (Docker is based on it) and a better contender for web app would be Elixir because of the high availability of 99.9999999% since it's running on Erlang. Think Elixir as Ruby functional programming style. Both Elixir and Go uses a scheduler for concurrency and Elixir Processes are similar to Go routines. Since it's running on Erlang, Elixir processes are made to crash and recover and allows hot swapping of code.

I've looked at both of them in the need of designing a better global distributed high availability service than the current one we have.


rhymes profile image

Thank you Ali!

I was reluctant about Go in the beginning because I'm not in love with its syntax (but I'm starting to like it) and its concurrency model (though it's winning me over :D) but I still plan to build something with it and as you said is not that hard to pick up (though I don't have your C++ experience)

My biggest concern is that I don't know if I can introduce it into the client's stack, even if I'm the only developer for this or that service it's a little bit easier to find Python / Ruby devs than Go ones. It's a pity because for services that are not super IO-bound Go would be perfect :-)

A side note: I stopped using curl and started using httpie, my brain is thanking me :D

axxa3000 profile image

When deploying to Heroku, how do you get the .env variables?

Working find in local.


axxa3000 profile image

For fast deployment in Heroku, 2 minor changes.

web: helpful-coding-resources-api-master


db_url := os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL")
db, err = gorm.Open("postgres",db_url)

to connect to DB.

This is for the new people trying Go+Heroku, that work for me, hope
to save u some time.

great tut! thanxs Ali.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

I did this!

hosembafer profile image
Rafael Hovhannisyan

When I started (3 months ago) learning Go, I planned to build simple API, and in this case, I found a lot of problems with code structure and package choosing.

But I have found Gogs, which is the biggest project I can find at the time written in Go. And there are a lot of examples of good code in Go, from which I started to learn. If you want to continue your introducing into Go, I suggest you read/learn/change/run the code of Gogs

ovasquezbrito profile image
oduber vasquez brito

Hello! Congratulations. How do I insert a date field with GO?

ovasquezbrito profile image
oduber vasquez brito

Hello! Congratulations. How do I insert a date field with GORM?

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