DEV Community

Avelyn Hyunjeong Choi
Avelyn Hyunjeong Choi

Posted on

Hacktoberfest #02

Issue 2962 | Pull Request

What was the issue about?

The issue pertains to translating the 'About' page into different languages to enhance user-friendliness.

What did I need to do to prepare the fix?

I had to install pnpm since this project utilizes it instead of npm. Following that, I installed all the dependencies using pnpm install. Finally, I was able to run both the frontend and backend microservices locally with pnpm services:start.

To get started, I went through the documentation, including and After reviewing the documentation, I also examined the issues and pull requests that were submitted by other contributors working on similar issues with different languages.

Demo of the code before/after the fix
The previous version did not offer the option to view this page in Korean.


Were there aspects of the issue that I found difficult?

After implementing the code, I attempted to run the program locally. I referred to an example pull request posted on GitHub and followed the guidelines using the exact same path, which resulted in an error. The issue was that the code had undergone extensive changes, including the changes in paths as well. Therefore, using the exact path turned out to be an incorrect choice. I had to navigate through several directories to find the correct path for running the program to see the changes I made.

What did I find difficult? How did I overcome this?

Because this issue pertained to translation, I had to find another Korean reviewer to assess my pull request. I accomplished this by using Slack to locate the person I needed.

What was my process?

  1. I communicated with the author to confirm if I could work on the issue.
  2. Once confirmed, I forked the repository and cloned it to my local machine.
  3. I switched to the different branch and implemented the necessary code changes.
  4. After completing the task, I created a pull request for review.
  5. I addressed the comments received and made the necessary changes.

What did I learn?

I learned that it is important for me to ask the questions I have. I realized that I don't have to struggle with problems by myself. I had a question about finding another Korean reviewer, so I asked the author and he gave a suggestion on how to find another reviewer. Since this was my first contribution, I was a bit intimidated to ask any questions, but I will do so again next time with a little less hesitation.

Discussion of what I did to address your review comments.
There are some comments I received after I pushed the PR. For example, one of the pieces of feedback was that I used a certain word that did not match the original context. What I did was read the original text again and try to translate it without injecting my own thoughts into it.

Top comments (1)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Woot! Keep it up. 🙌

You got this Avelyn!

EDIT: I just realized you finished all 4 of your PRs... you rock! 🎸