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2022: Year of Growth and Ownership

Picture of landing page of personal dev website. Picture of Black woman smiling wearing a yellow shirt.

Happy New Year! I hope the new year is treating everyone well. For me, I have been battling sickness for a while now, which made Holidays a lot harder since nothing was done. I was honestly depressed because end of the year is always hard for me all of my life and getting through it. It's a journey battling depression and a lot of other things, but I know I am not alone. I wanted to share with you all my personal website that I am honestly so proud about having released. It's my pride and joy right now. It has a lot of work to it that will get better as I learn more and grow in my journey. Thanks to someone kind enough to donate me time to my domain in addition to pushing me to get it done,

I was like, heck I got to go for it. And I am stunned. Stunned at how it looks, what I accomplished, what I am capable of.

My future employer does not know what's coming for them!!!! I am excited to learn anything needed to get the job done, to collaborate, to grow. My goal is to be able to get out of the state I am in, to see new sights and live a life on my own two feet. I know I will get there. I just need to be given that "yes". That chance of someone believing in a early-career like me.

No longer I am calling myself a Junior. I am a Software Engineer through and through.

I will break barriers. I will make a change in the tech industry that will shake tables.

I am ready.

This is my testimony.

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