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Getting started with bash scripting

A bash script is a series of commands written in a file, which is read and executed by the bash program. The program executes line by line. For example, if you have multiple bash commands that you want to run, you can compile these commands into a bash script instead of typing and executing the commands manually one by one.

You can do the same sequence of steps by saving the commands in a bash script and running it. The script can be run any number of times without having to retype it.

These commands are a mixture of commands we would normally type ourselves on the command line (ls, cp, cat, awk).

Anything that you normally do on the command line can be put into a bash script and it will do the same thing.

Reasons to learn bash scripting
1. Flexibility
With Bash Scripting, you will be more flexible to use the terminals more often, rather than clicking upon GUIs.
2. Less Resource-Intensive:
Learning bash scripting and using the command line maximizes your speed when you lack computing resources.
3. Accessibility
Bash scripts can be created and executed by anyone with a basic understanding of the command-line interface.

In this guide, we will explore bash scripting and its features. Here, you will learn

  • How to create a bash script and execute it.
  • The basic syntax of shell scripting.
  • Creating Variables
  • Comments
  • Define Functions
  • Create Loops
  • Conditional statements
  • Defining Arrays

What you should know

  • How to Use Unix/Linux shell
  • Familiar with Linux or Unix commands. Some of the common commands include grep, ls, echo, date, cd, cat, etc
  • Minimal programming knowledge - Understands variables, functions, etc.

A bash script tells the bash shell what to do. A bash script is a useful way to group commands to create a program. Any command you could execute directly from the command line can be put into a bash script, and you could expect it to do the same actions as it would from the command line.

Identifying a Bash Script
By naming conventions, bash scripts end with a .sh. Although, sometimes the .sh extension can be removed and the script will run perfectly fine.

Scripts start with a shebang

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The beginning of a script file is identified with a shebang. This is the first line of the script. Shebang tells the shell to execute it via bash shell. Shebang is simply an absolute path to the bash interpreter.
Formatting is important here. The shebang must be on the very first line of the file.
There must also be no spaces before the # or between the ! and the path to the interpreter.

To know the shell interpreter you are using

echo $0
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shell interpreter

To check the list of available shells on your Unix operating system:

cat /etc/shells
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list available shell

Let's create a simple script in bash that outputs Hello World.
Create a file named

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find the path to your bash shell

which bash
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location of shell interpreter

Place the outputted path on the top of your script.


echo "Hello World"
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Run the script.
You can run the script in the following ways:

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With the second option, bash outputs a permission denied error message.
run bash script

The reason for this is because of execution rights. Scripts have execution rights for the user executing them.

ls -l
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An execution right is represented by x. To give execution rights to the user.

chmod +x
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chmod modifies the existing rights of a file for a user.
set user permission on file

Now execute the file again

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Creating Comments
Comments are lines that aren't executed by the interpreter
Single-line comments:

# This is a comment
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Multi-line comments

: "The following is a 
Multi-line comment "
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Defining Variables
Note that there must be no spaces around the "=" sign: variable=value works; variable = value doesn't work


GREETING="Hello World"
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message="Learning Bash Scripting"
echo $message
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Shell scripting adheres to case sensitivity. If you define your variables in uppercase or lowercase, you must consistently use uppercase and lowercase letters.

You should always make sure variable names are descriptive. This makes them easier for you to remember and their purpose known.

Variables in the bash shell do not have to be declared, as is the case in other languages like Python, etc, where the variable has to be declared before they are accessed.
If you try to read an undeclared variable, the result is an empty string.

message="Learn Bash scripting"
echo $mesage
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Notice the omission of an s from the variable name. The program still runs but returns an empty string.

Ask the User for Input
If we would like to ask the user for input then we use a command called read. This command takes the input and will save it into a variable.

echo what is your name?
read name
echo $name
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If you would want to include an inline message with the variable, use the -p flag.


read -p "what is your name " name

echo $name
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Adding -s makes the user input silent. That is, the input won't be shown when typed.


read -sp "Enter your password " password
echo $password
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You can also ask the user for multiple input


read -p "What are your two favorite colors " color_1 color_2

echo "color_1 is $color_1"
echo "color_2 is $color_2"
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Using command line arguments

echo $1 $2
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./ Learning Bash
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This also serves as a way to get inputs from the user. $1 represents the first argument. $2 represents the second argument.

This also serves as a way to get inputs from the user. $1 represents the first argument. $2 represents the second argument

Other Special Variables
Some system-defined variables include:
$0 - The name of the Bash script.
$1 - $9 - The arguments to the Bash script.
$# - The number of arguments passed to the Bash script.
$@ - All arguments supplied to the script.

Perform Mathematical Calculations
Performing mathematical calculations can be easily done in bash scripts using different methods.

expr 2 + 3 

expr 3 * 5
expr 4+4
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This expression will return as is without performing a calculation.
All mathematical operators can be used here + - / * % etc.

let is a built-in function of Bash that allows us to do simple mathematical calculations.
let is a built-in function of Bash that allows us to do simple mathematical calculations.

let a=4+5

echo $a
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Note here that there is no space between the values.
To add spaces, a quote can be used. A single or double quote is preferred.

let "a = 6 + 6"

echo $a
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Mathematical expressions can also be stored using the syntax below



echo $var
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With this method, $((expression)), decimal calculations aren't done properly.
bc command is used to perform the right decimal calculation

echo "scale=2 10/3" | bc
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scale defines the number of decimal places required.

Creating functions
The purpose of writing functions is to avoid writing the same code constantly, and it also makes your code more readable.

example_function () {
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Another method to create a function is to begin the line with the reserved bash keyword: function, then the function name and curly braces for the function body - we do not need the parentheses.

# Another way to write a bash function.
function example_function {
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Defining the function will not execute the commands. To invoke a function, you must call the function name, as follows:


# A hello world bash function
hello_world () {
  echo "Hello World!"

# Invoking the hello_world function
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Passing arguments to functions
Arguments are variables used in a specific function.
In shell scripts, we cannot pass arguments to functions like you would in other programming languages such as Python, etc.
Instead, shell functions have their command line argument and we can pass parameters to a function by placing them after a call to the function.

greeting () {
  echo "Hello $1 $2"

greeting "Mark" "Joe"
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Writing "If" Statements
"If" statements are conditional statements used to determine whether a command will run or not. If a statement is proven to be true, then a condition would run, else it is skipped.
Conditional statements begin with an if statement and ends with fi (if spelled backward).

read -p "What is the secret number: " number

if [ $number -eq 10 ];
  echo "Your guess is right. The secret number is $number"
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Sometimes, based on a given input you would love to return a different output. The if-else statement is used.

if [ condition ]
  do this by default
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You may have multiple conditions to perform.

if [ <some test> ]
elif [ <some test> ] 
  <different commands>
 <other commands>
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Multiple Conditions with Boolean Operators
Sometimes you only want to take an action when multiple conditions are met. Other times you would like to act if one condition is met at least. This can be achieved with Boolean operators
and - &&: Multiple conditions must be met
or - ||: At least, a single condition is met.

if [$age < 18] || [$age > 50]
  echo "Not allowed to party"
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You can also do this

if [ $age -gt 18 -a $age -lt 50 ]
  echo "Allowed to party"

if [ $age -lt 18 -o $age -gt 50 ]
  echo "Not Allowed to party"
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-a is similar to && (And)
-o is similar to || (Or)

Case Statement
If you want your program to take different paths based on different variable-matching, case statements to the rescue.

  echo "Hello!"
  echo "hi!"
  echo "Sorry, I don't understand your greeting"
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Loops are useful if you want to execute commands multiple times. The available loops include- for, while, and until.
The for loop runs the command for a list of items:


for item in [list]
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This example uses a for loop to print the days of the week:


for days in Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
echo "Day: $days"
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While Loop
The script will evaluate a condition. If the condition is true, it will keep executing the commands, when the condition becomes false, it will stop the execution.

while [condition]
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while [ $counter -le 10 ]
  echo $counter
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Until Loop
The opposite of the while loop. It will continue executing the command until the condition becomes true.

If we want the same output as the while example above using the until loop, we can write the script like this:



until [ $counter -gt 10 ]
  echo Counter: $counter
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Select Loop
Allows you to create a simple menu.

select var in <list>
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names='Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday None'

select name in $names 
if [ $name == 'None' ] 
echo Hello $name 
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Range Calculation

for value in {1..5} 
  echo $value 
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Break and continue
A break statement is used to exit from a running program while continue is used to skip the current iteration and move to the next one.

for value in 1,2,3,4,5
if [ $value == 3 ] 
  echo $value
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for value in 1 2 3 4 5 
if [ $value == 3 ] 
  echo $value

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When working with a large amount of data, it is very helpful to initiate the use of arrays.
There are two types of arrays that we can work with, in shell scripts.
Indexed Arrays - Store elements with an index starting from 0
Associative Arrays - Store elements in key-value pairs

The default array that's created is an indexed array
To create an indexed array, you use the declare command with the -a option

declare -a indexed_array

indexed_array = (1,2,3,4,5)
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To display all the values of an array we can use the following shell expansion syntax

echo ${indexed_array[@]}
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Associative Array
To declare an associative array, use the -A option

declare -A associative_array
associative_array=([foo]=bar [baz]=foobar)
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Note that you can create arrays without the declare keyword, but for associative arrays, when using the declare keyword, the -A is a must.

indexed_array=("first" "second")
associative_array=([first]="first goal" [second]="second goal")

# Print all elements
echo ${associative_array[@]}
echo ${indexed_array[@]}
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Getting the number of elements
We can retrieve the number of elements contained

echo "the array contains ${#indexed_array[@]} elements"
echo "the array contains ${#associative _array[@]} elements"
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Adding elements to an array
You can add elements to an indexed or associative array by specifying respectively their index or associative key

indexed_array = (1,2,3)
indexed_array+= (9)

To add elements to an associative array, you have to specify their associated keys:

declare -A associative_array

# Add single element
$ associative_array[foo]="bar"

# Add multiple elements at a time
associative_array+=([baz]="foobar" [john]="doe")

# Acceesing elements in an array
echo ${associative_array[foo]}
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Deleting an element from an array
To delete an element from the array, use the unset command. But you need to know its index or its key in the case of an associative array.

unset indexed_array[0]
unset associative_array[foo]
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Delete the entire array

unset indexed_array
unset associative_array
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A bash script is a series of commands written in a file. bash scripts can be used to replace any operation that you can perform on the terminal.

In this tutorial, you were introduced to how to create a bash script, write loops, define functions, and declare arrays.
Understand that any command that you can type manually in your terminal can be used inside a bash script.

This tutorial has aimed to get you up and running with writing shell scripts. There is still a lot of learning to do when it comes to using bash scripts.

I hope you now have an understanding of writing bash scripts and have it can help you automate your workflow and make you productive.

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