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How to Have Plug-and-Play 🧩 Mindset in Coding

After 6 years of coding experience, I wanted to write this article to highlight some of the important points that I believe are important as a Software Engineer.

So, I wanted to discuss writing code with the Plug-and-Play mindset, meaning it can be easily plugged in anywhere else and used. To keep things simple, I'll section the article into simple points.

So, here we go...

Create Modular Reusable Components πŸ€–

Always make things modular; your code will scale up and add more features. So always keep an eye on how things are organized and how you write your code always keep in mind that things need to be flexible.

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Reduce Redundancy πŸ’Ό

Once your code is more modular and you made most of the functionalities reusable, now is the time to start reducing all the redundancy and start making things reusable.

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Foster Collaboration 🀝

By having a plug-in mindset you will influence developers to contribute more and be more confident in adding modules that easily are used and reverted in case needed. (Oh by the way if your code is reusable the conflict rate of your git repo will decrease exponentially πŸ˜‰)

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Emphasize Simplicity & Accessibility 🦾

Having everything modular and reusable will make things simpler, your files will become easy to read hence making your code more accessible and easy to use.

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Don't Reinvent the Wheel 🎬

By doing all the points mentioned above, you should not reinvent the wheel. I know this title is clichΓ© and you might have read it a lot, but let's make things more transparent, I mean here that you should not reinvent the wheel inside your application, where a code should be written only one time and used several places.

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The plug-and-play mindset empowers both experienced and novice programmers to contribute effectively, innovate rapidly, and create robust software solutions with minimal friction.

Thank you for reading this article πŸ™Œ

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