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AWS CloudFormation

[9/30] #30DaysOfAWS Today, AWS CloudFormation & Hands-On.

AWS CloudFormation is a service that provides a common language for describing and provisioning AWS infrastructure. It allows you to create, update, and delete AWS resources in a consistent and predictable way.

AWS CloudFormation is a tool that helps users automate the creation and management of AWS resources.** It does this by using a template, which is a text file that describes the resources to be created. CloudFormation templates can be written using JSON or YAML format.

AWS CloudFormation provides a number of benefits, including

  • Reliability: AWS CloudFormation templates can be used to create a consistent environment for your applications. This can help to reduce the risk of errors and improve the reliability of your applications.

  • Repeatability: AWS CloudFormation templates can be used to create the same infrastructure in multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production. This can help to improve the efficiency of your development and deployment processes.

  • Scalability: AWS CloudFormation templates can be used to create infrastructure that can be scaled up or down as needed. This can help you to save money on your AWS costs.

Here are some of the most common uses for AWS CloudFormation

  • Creating and managing AWS resources: AWS CloudFormation can be used to create and manage a wide range of AWS resources, including EC2 instances, EBS volumes, S3 buckets, and RDS databases.

  • Automating the deployment of applications: AWS CloudFormation can be used to automate the deployment of applications to AWS. This can be done by using a template to describe the AWS resources that are required to run the application.

  • Managing infrastructure across multiple accounts:** AWS CloudFormation can be used to manage infrastructure across multiple AWS accounts. This can be done by using a template to describe the AWS resources that are required to run the application.

  • Securing infrastructure: AWS CloudFormation can be used to secure infrastructure by using templates to define the permissions that are required for each AWS resource.

If you are looking for a way to automate the creation and management of AWS resources, then AWS CloudFormation is a good option to consider. It is a powerful tool that can help you to improve the reliability, repeatability, scalability, and security of your AWS infrastructure.

Step-by-step tutorial for how to create EC2 instance using AWS CloudFormation and Terraform. You can download it using this URL.

Learn More - URL

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