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Cover image for Config AWS Cloudwatch Application Signals Transaction Search with CDK
Johannes Konings for AWS Community Builders

Posted on • Originally published at on

Config AWS Cloudwatch Application Signals Transaction Search with CDK

Use case

You want to use AWS Cloudwatch Application Signals Transaction Search and your IaC is based on AWS CDK.


This is how the Transaction Search page looks like, if it's not yet configured:

application signals transaction search without config

And like this in the x-ray settings:

application signals transaction search without config x-ray

The AWS documentation outlines the steps to enable Transaction Search functionality here:

While the documentation provides AWS CLI commands, we can implement the same configuration using AWS CDK Custom Resources for infrastructure as code.

The whole configuration looks like this:

    const { account, region } = Stack.of(this);

      const applicationSignalsTransactionSearchLogsResourcePolicy =
        new AwsCustomResource(
            onCreate: {
              service: "@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs",
              action: "PutResourcePolicy",
              parameters: {
                policyDocument: JSON.stringify({
                  Version: "2012-10-17",
                  Statement: [
                      Sid: "TransactionSearchXRayAccess",
                      Effect: "Allow",
                      Principal: {
                        Service: "",
                      Action: ["logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:CreateLogStream"],
                      Resource: [
                      Condition: {
                        ArnLike: {
                          "aws:SourceArn": `arn:aws:xray:${region}:${account}:*`,
                        StringEquals: {
                          "aws:SourceAccount": account,
              physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of(
            policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({
              resources: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE,
      const applicationSignalsTransactionSearchXraySegmentDestination =
        new AwsCustomResource(
            onCreate: {
              service: "@aws-sdk/client-xray",
              action: "UpdateTraceSegmentDestination",
              parameters: {
                Destination: "CloudWatchLogs",
              physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of(
            installLatestAwsSdk: true,
            policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromStatements([
              new PolicyStatement({
                effect: Effect.ALLOW,
                actions: ["logs:PutRetentionPolicy"],
                resources: [
              new PolicyStatement({
                effect: Effect.ALLOW,
                actions: ["xray:UpdateTraceSegmentDestination"],
                resources: ["*"],
      const applicationSignalsTransactionSearchXrayIndexRule =
        new AwsCustomResource(
            onCreate: {
              service: "@aws-sdk/client-xray",
              action: "UpdateIndexingRule",
              parameters: {
                Name: "Default",
                Rule: {
                  Probabilistic: {
                    DesiredSamplingPercentage: 100,
              physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of(
            installLatestAwsSdk: true,
            policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({
              resources: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE,
            id: "AwsSolutions-IAM5",
            reason: "CDK managed policy",

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It contains the following steps:

  1. Update the Cloudwatch Logs Resource Policy
  2. Update the x-ray settings

Update the Cloudwatch Logs Resource Policy

The documentation here is a little bit misleading. The shown condition arn:partition:logs:region:account-id:* should be arn:partition:xray:region:account-id:*. Also the action logs:PutLogEvents should be logs:PutLogEvents and logs:CreateLogStream.

 const applicationSignalsTransactionSearchLogsResourcePolicy =
        new AwsCustomResource(
            onCreate: {
              service: "@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs",
              action: "PutResourcePolicy",
              parameters: {
                policyDocument: JSON.stringify({
                  Version: "2012-10-17",
                  Statement: [
                      Sid: "TransactionSearchXRayAccess",
                      Effect: "Allow",
                      Principal: {
                        Service: "",
                      Action: ["logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:CreateLogStream"],
                      Resource: [
                      Condition: {
                        ArnLike: {
                          "aws:SourceArn": `arn:aws:xray:${region}:${account}:*`,
                        StringEquals: {
                          "aws:SourceAccount": account,
              physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of(
            policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({
              resources: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE,

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Update the x-ray settings

The 2 API calls for x-ray are nearly straight forward. Only the comamnds UpdateTraceSegmentDestination and UpdateIndexingRule requires the newest SDK version, because it's introduced in version:

 const applicationSignalsTransactionSearchXraySegmentDestination =
        new AwsCustomResource(
            onCreate: {
              service: "@aws-sdk/client-xray",
              action: "UpdateTraceSegmentDestination",
              parameters: {
                Destination: "CloudWatchLogs",
              physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of(
            installLatestAwsSdk: true,
            policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromStatements([
              new PolicyStatement({
                effect: Effect.ALLOW,
                actions: ["logs:PutRetentionPolicy"],
                resources: [
              new PolicyStatement({
                effect: Effect.ALLOW,
                actions: ["xray:UpdateTraceSegmentDestination"],
                resources: ["*"],
      const applicationSignalsTransactionSearchXrayIndexRule =
        new AwsCustomResource(
            onCreate: {
              service: "@aws-sdk/client-xray",
              action: "UpdateIndexingRule",
              parameters: {
                Name: "Default",
                Rule: {
                  Probabilistic: {
                    DesiredSamplingPercentage: 100,
              physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of(
            installLatestAwsSdk: true,
            policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({
              resources: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE,

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After some minutes the Transaction Search is visible in the Management Console.

application signals transaction search enabled in x-ray settings

application signals transaction search enabled in cloudwatch

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