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Introducing a New Fullstack TypeScript DX for AWS

Ali Spittel on May 07, 2024

We've heard developers voice the same pain points time and again: it's hard to integrate your app's frontend with your backend, you need to tackle ...
andersonpull profile image
Anderson Oliveira Bezerra β€’

Very good Congratulations

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank β€’

Congrats on the launch!

evergrowingdev profile image
Cherlock Code πŸ”Ž β€’

This looks amazing! Definitely one I'll be adding to Dev Pages, to help developers build amazing things πŸš€

joekiller profile image
Joseph Lawson β€’

Congratulations y'all!

raphaelproject001 profile image
Rafael Barbosa da Silva β€’

Much good my friend!πŸ‘

avanichols_dev profile image
Ava Nichols β€’


wiley19 profile image
Wilson Anorue β€’

Very useful, I'm working with Amplify frequently so this will improve how I use Amplify and take advantage of the new features.

chiedozie07 profile image
Chiedozie Eleazar E. β€’

Wow, that's massive πŸ‘

paxjoe profile image
Chukwuebuka Joseph Ugwu β€’

Nice one

shahsolaymansinha profile image
Shah Solayman Sinha β€’

Wow πŸ”₯

logarithmicspirals profile image
logarithmicspirals β€’ β€’ Edited

I'm actually working on a post about Amplify myself right now. However, I'm moving off of it. Honestly, as cool as Amplify seems it does have some drawbacks. I used it for building and hosting my blog for over a year.

Here are the strengths I see:

  • Easy integration with AWS services.
  • Easy integration with external Git repos.
  • Decent level of control over headers.
  • Support for modern frontend frameworks.
  • DNS management is a breeze compared to setting up Route 53.


  • Node 18 isn't supported out-of-the-box for building the frontend. You have to use a custom build image.
  • It seems there's some problems with caching in CloudFront when you use Amplify versus setting up CloudFront from scratch. This video goes more in depth on that.
  • Performance for one's frontend on Amplify just doesn't seem good. By performance I mean page load times. In my upcoming blog post, I'll talk more about this, but both CloudFront and Cloudflare offer way better performance for caching and page load times.

For anyone looking at Amplify, I have to say check out Cloudflare Pages also. Cloudflare has quite a few services which compete with AWS.

As an aside, if one wants to stay on AWS, SST has some advantages over Amplify. There's more control and you can keep your code for multiple services in one repo like you can with Amplify.

Glad to see more work going into the service though. Perhaps I'll circle back in the future and give it another try πŸ™‚.

mauerbac profile image
Matt Auerbach β€’

Hi --

Thanks for sharing this feedback. I'm Matt on the Amplify product team. Any chance you could DM me to hop on a quick feedback call? I wanted to call a few things out:

1) We updated our default build image to support Node 18 plus other latest version back in February.

2-3) We have an on-going initiative to improve caching with CloudFront. This work will be completed in a few weeks and should address the points you brought up. Curious to hear about your architecture to understand page load time -- this is another big investment area where we have ongoing work.

Let me know if you'd be open to chat!

Matt A

logarithmicspirals profile image
logarithmicspirals β€’

Hey @mauerbac, thanks for replying! Unfortunately, I don't think I have time for a feedback call, but I appreciate your call outs.

What would be a good place to keep an eye out for the caching updates?

Thread Thread
mauerbac profile image
Matt Auerbach β€’

No worries! yeah, i'd be curious to get your take on our caching update. Keep an eye on our Twitter, Blog or Discord . Should be in just a few weeks we announce them.

Thread Thread
logarithmicspirals profile image
logarithmicspirals β€’

Thanks! I've enjoyed using Amplify overall, so I'm looking forward to these updates πŸ™‚. I'll have to circle back and do some more in depth comparisons once the updates are available πŸ‘.

gardner profile image
Gardner Bickford β€’

It's really misleading to say "developing locally" when it actually requires spinning up an entire remote cloud environment. Developing locally means on the developer's machine, not developing with a remote cloud sandbox backend.

drrobot24 profile image
Dr.Robot β€’

Ali , you definitely changed my life! I was searching for a tutorial on creating forms in amplify studio and deploying them on my first WebApp on the front-end. *Thanks for your YouTube video I did it ! *

wiley19 profile image
Wilson Anorue β€’

Can I use Amplify to host server side rendered apps built with Angular?

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel β€’ β€’ Edited

Hey Wilson, you can build a framework adapter for hosting Angular SSR apps with Amplify -- it'll be more work than the ones there are already adapters for, but it's possible!

pizofreude profile image
Pizofreude β€’

Image description

lushifer_king_71335fcfa45 profile image
Lushifer King β€’

Good _

itsvidhanreddy profile image
A Vidhan Reddy β€’

This looks new to me.