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Zaynul Abedin Miah
Zaynul Abedin Miah

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Describe The Benefits Of Using Cloud Services Summary

This module talks about how cloud computing can be really helpful. It can make things more available and scalable, and also more reliable and predictable. It can also be more secure and easier to manage. The things you'll learn about are the advantages of having high availability and scalability, reliability and predictability, security and governance, and manageability in the cloud. High availability means making sure things are always available, while scalability means being able to adjust resources to meet demand without overpaying for services. Scaling are of two types: vertical and horizontal. Vertical scaling means you make your resources capabilities increase and decrease, while horizontal scaling means you add or remove resources.

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An SLA is an formal agreement between a service provider and customer that ensures a certain level of service. In Azure, SLAs show the percentage of time a service or application is available or up. The difference in these percentages means that there will be a noticeable difference in the amount of time that the system will be down. A service with a 99% SLA can be down for about 1.6 hours per week or 7.2 hours per month. On the other hand, a service with a 99.9% SLA can only be down for 10 minutes per week or 43.2 minutes per month. When creating applications on Azure, it's important for organisations to know about SLAs so they can make sure their apps are available when they need them to be. Using the cloud's high availability and scalability can help organisations provide reliable and uninterrupted service, which reduces downtime and increases efficiency.

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Reliability and predictability are crucial benefits of using cloud technology. Reliability means that a system can bounce back from problems and keep working. It's an important part of the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework. The cloud can be predictable in terms of performance or cost, and the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework has a big impact on this. If you use cloud technology and analyse data in the cloud, you can estimate future expenses and make changes to your resources accordingly.

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The main point of this text is that security and governance are important when using cloud services. Using cloud features like templates, auditing, and software updates can make sure that all resources meet company and government standards. Cloud providers are good at dealing with DDoS attacks, which helps to make the network stronger and safer. There are two ways to manage cloud computing: managing the cloud itself and managing things within the cloud. Managing the cloud means setting up resources when they're needed, using a pre-made template to set up resources, keeping an eye on the health of resources and replacing them if they break, and getting alerts if something goes wrong. Managing your cloud environment and resources can be done through a web portal, command line interface, APIs, and PowerShell.

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