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Henry πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
Henry πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

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What Have You Dev'd This Decade?

As the end of the decade fast encroaches upon us like RAM usage when Chrome is open πŸ˜‰, I thought I'd ask the Dev community; what dev projects/skills are you most proud of working on this decade?

Top comments (8)

andrekelvin profile image
AndreKelvin β€’

Started learning programming 3 years ago. I can say am proud of the Desktop based School management system I created and an Android Note app
Currently building a Text Detector App which will be done before the year ends Hopefully

badrecordlength profile image
Henry πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» β€’

Nice work πŸ˜„. Is the Text Detector App an implementation of Optical Character Recognition? If so, definitely link me when you've got a public build, OCR is something I'm quite interested in.

andrekelvin profile image
AndreKelvin β€’

hey dude i got a public repo

andrekelvin profile image
AndreKelvin β€’

Yes it's OCR. I will let you know when it's out

quii profile image
Chris James β€’

I started learning TDD about 8 years ago I guess and the past 18 months or so I have worked on

Learn Go with tests

100% free, open source, 89 contributors, translated into Chinese and Portuguese.

Primarily a book on TDD using Go as a vehicle for learning how to do iterative software development.

Get various kind comments about it ever so often that make my day

badrecordlength profile image
Henry πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» β€’

That's really cool, thanks for sharing 😁. I'm interested in learning Go at some point so I'll have to give your book a look.

arntj profile image
Arnt Joakim WrΓ₯lsen β€’

I'm most proud of the real-world effects of the software I've developed.

I've formerly worked on software for viewing and maintaining technical fleet documentation for a large public transport utility, helping them getting tens of thousands of people safely and timely to their work every day.

And currently I'm working on a prescription management system for a large chain of pharmacies in Norway. It's really inspiring to know that the software I'm working on will soon help dispense essential medicines for people all over the country.

badrecordlength profile image
Henry πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» β€’

That's great 😁, applying CS skills to make the world a better place is really inspiring to me too. I've been brainstorming projects recently to help in some way with the climate emergency.