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100DaysOfCode | Day 21, 22

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Hey everyone ;)
I wan to share my experience from day 21 and 22 of 100DaysOfCode challenge.
2 Days ago I decided to start a new project based on a online video which was from Andrei Negoaie, and my mission was to finish his web scraping tutorial which was so cool!
Actually I wrote some scripts to collect data from HackerNews based on Votes.
I wanted to collect articles which had more than 100 votes.
So it sound like a amazing project cause you don't need to scroll up and down the page to see which one is popular or trended.
I'm so excited to do more and more projects to learn something new every-single day.

Thank you for reading my posts.

Keep Moving Forward

Enjoy Your Journey 👊

Code with 💛


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