Overview of My Submission
This application uses MongoDB time series collections to highlight the DC Fire and EMS call volume between August 2014 through August 2015. The data is visualized using Streamlit and provides an interface for users to select different days to view. The app is hosted here to try out.
Submission Category:
Prime Time
Link to Code
Visualzing DCFireEMS call data with MongoDB
DC Fire and EMS Data Visualizer
This project uses Streamlit to display the DC Fire and EMS call volume between August 2014 through August 2015. The data is being stored in a a MongoDB time series collection. This project was built for the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon]
Try out the demo
Additional Resources / Info
The data was collected during the
2021 National Day of Civic Hacking from Code for America by the Code for DC Group. Streamlit was used to build the visualization.
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