Before ES6 JavaScript doesn't support class like OOPs but we can code class and inheritance using "Prototype".
Today we are going do some code to implement inheritance using both prototype(ES5) and class(ES6).
The prototype is an object that is associated with every functions and objects by default in JavaScript, where function's prototype property is accessible and modifiable and object's prototype property (aka attribute) is not visible.
Every function and object includes prototype object by default.
Start with code rather then talking
A. Simple Inheritance
*Like every children has parents , so we are going to create one Parent class to manipulate and store the parent information then inherit the Child class from Parent class *
Using Prototype
const Parent = function(father_name, mother_name, city_name) {
this.father_name = father_name;
this.mother_name = mother_name;
this.city_name = city_name;
this.printParentDetails= ()=>{
console.log('Father Name: ', this.father_name);
console.log('Mother Name: ', this.mother_name);
console.log('They live in: ', this.city_name);
const Child = function(father_name, mother_name,city_name, name, age) {,father_name, mother_name, city_name); = name;
this.age = age;
this.printChildDetails = ()=>{
console.log('Child name is: ',;
console.log('Child age is: ', this.age);
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
const child_1 = new Child('Jonny', 'Jolly', 'New York', 'Jin', 18);
const child_2 = new Child('Ram', 'Sham', 'Mumbai', 'Jadu', 21);
child_2.printChildDetails();,father_name, mother_name, city_name)
It will bind our Parent class within the Child class context.
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype)
Assign Parent prototype to Child Prototype
Child.prototype.constructor = Child
The constructor of Child class should be Child constructor, not Parent class constructor
Using ES6 class
class Parent {
constructor(father_name, mother_name, city_name) {
this.father_name = father_name;
this.mother_name = mother_name;
this.city_name = city_name;
console.log('Father Name: ', this.father_name);
console.log('Mother Name: ', this.mother_name);
console.log('They live in: ', this.city_name);
class Child extends Parent{
constructor(father_name, mother_name,city_name, name, age) {
super(father_name, mother_name, city_name); = name;
this.age = age;
console.log('Child name is: ',;
console.log('Child age is: ', this.age);
const child_1 = new Child('Jonny', 'Jolly', 'New York', 'Jin', 18);
const child_2 = new Child('Ram', 'Sham', 'Mumbai', 'Jadu', 21);
B. Multiple Inheritance
Like every child belongs to the country also, so we are going to create a **Country class. And the Child class going to inherit from Both Parent and Country class**
Using Prototype
const Parent = function(father_name, mother_name, city_name) {
this.father_name = father_name;
this.mother_name = mother_name;
this.city_name = city_name;
this.printParentDetails= ()=>{
console.log('Father Name: ', this.father_name);
console.log('Mother Name: ', this.mother_name);
console.log('They live in: ', this.city_name);
const Country = function(country_name, country_code) {
this.country_name = country_name;
this.country_code = country_code;
this.printCountryDetails= ()=> {
console.log('Country Name: ', this.country_name);
console.log('Country Code: ', this.country_code);
const Child = function(father_name, mother_name,city_name, name, age, country_name, country_code) {,father_name, mother_name, city_name);, country_name,country_code); = name;
this.age = age;
this.printChildDetails = ()=>{
console.log('Child name is: ',;
console.log('Child age is: ', this.age);
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
Child.prototype = Object.create(Country.prototype);
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
const child_1 = new Child('Jonny', 'Jolly', 'Washington', 'Jin', 18, 'US', '+1');
const child_2 = new Child('Ram', 'Sham', 'Mumbai', 'Jadu', 21, 'India', '+91');
Using ES6 class
JavaScript class are not pure class like OOPs. JavaScript class does not support multiple inheritance and hybrid inheritance. To implement multiple inheritance, we need to do some JavaScript coding trick. We will build the same example used in above using multiple inheritance concept.
class Parent {
constructor(father_name, mother_name, city_name) {
this.father_name = father_name;
this.mother_name = mother_name;
this.city_name = city_name;
console.log('Father Name: ', this.father_name);
console.log('Mother Name: ', this.mother_name);
console.log('They live in: ', this.city_name)
class Country {
constructor(country_name, country_code) {
this.country_name = country_name;
this.country_code = country_code;
printCountryDetails() {
console.log('Country Name: ', this.country_name);
console.log('Country Code: ', this.country_code);
class Child {
constructor(father_name, mother_name,city_name, name, age, country_name, country_code) {
extendClass(this, new Parent(father_name, mother_name,city_name));
extendClass(this, new Country(country_name, country_code)); = name;
this.age = age;
console.log('Child name is: ',;
console.log('Child age is: ', this.age)
function extendClass(child, parent) {
for(let key in parent){
child[key] = parent[key]
Reflect.ownKeys(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(parent)).filter(d=> d!= 'constructor').map(fun=>{if(!child[fun]) {child[fun] = parent.__proto__[fun].bind(child);}});
const child_1 = new Child('Jonny', 'Jolly', 'New York', 'Jin', 18);
const child_2 = new Child('Ram', 'Sham', 'Mumbai', 'Jadu', 21);
extendClass(this, new Parent(father_name, mother_name,city_name))
This extendClass will bind our Parent class into Child class. It will accept two parameter, first one will be current object means Child class and second one will be instance of Parent class
for(let key in parent)
Loop over all the members of Parent class **and bind them into **Child Class
It will return a prototype object of the parent class, means all the member functions of the parent class.
Retrieve all the functions name from prototype object.
filter(d=> d!= 'constructor').map(fun=>{if(!child[fun]) {child[fun] = parent.proto[fun].bind(child);}})
Assign prototype of the** Parent class** to the child class, except *Parent class Constructor
For full code click here
So finally we implement inheritance using both prototype(ES5) and class(ES6). Incase of any query comment box are always open for you and its also free๐๐โ๏ธ
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