Fri, May 13, 2022
👻 Friday the 13th – Spooky Edition 👻
This Week in Python is a concise reading list about what happened in the past week in the Python universe.
Python Articles
- An overview of structural pattern matching – Python's match statement was introduced in Python 3.10. Learn the history of the feature, how it is used, and how it works.
- Converting a Python library to Rust – Alan describes his experience porting his Python library August to Rust
- Python 3.11: possessive quantifiers and atomic grouping added to re module –
- Faster, more memory-efficient Python JSON parsing with msgspec
Django filter - filter(A).filter(B) vs filter(A, B) –
– we get duplicate objects in our queryset. In this article, we’ll explore & explain why
- madbg – A fully-featured remote debugger for python
- PaddleOCR – OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system)
- scapy – the Python-based interactive network packet manipulation program & library
- img2cmap – Create colormaps from images for matplotlib
- ScoutSuite – Multi-Cloud Security Auditing Tool
Shameless plug
- Build a Todo App With PyScript – My short walkthrough of the PyScript Todo example
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