Do you guys remember my old article :

Building a Simple URL Shortener With Just HTML and Javascript
Palash Bauri 👻 ・ Aug 16 '18
In that article I discussed about building your own URL Shortener with as database which can be even hosted on any Static Site Hosting Service even in GitHub/GitLab Pages.
Actually before writing that article I built an URL Shortener called FossURL and the article includes minimal code chunks to build bare-bones of your own URL Shortener.
Your Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages
What is Fossurl
Fossurl is an simple URL Shortener Which Can Be Hosted For Free in Github/Gitlab Pages or in Static Site Hosting Service and It doesn't need you to buy any server!
🎯 Goal
Implementing a Simple URL Shortner which can be used without need of any hardcore server side processing and can be hosted on Static Site Hostings such as GitHub/Gitlab Pages
💻 Stack
- JavaScript
- Database : (Previously , jsonstore was used but several downtimes forced me to switch to, then to jsonconnect as jsonbox went offline) is a fork of - learn more on the project's homepage.
🛠️ Features
- It's fast
- It doesn't require any hosting server
- You can use it just by forking the repo and running a script
Where is my data stored?
The connection between your shorten URL and the long one is…
Even the project was trending on Product Hunt. After these incidents I got few contributors and many improvements was done!😊 Thanks To The All Contributors❤
What Was The Goal? 🎯
Actually The goal was to build a simple URL Shortener which can be hosted with GitHub Pages and doesn't need any costly server to host it, I knew it was not gonna be Super Secure because everything was done in client side.
What Was The Inspiration? 🌠
Ah Actually There was No Inspiration 😂 , I was looking for a free URL Shortener with support for custom domain, at last I found some services but found that those had some limitations such as limited link creation per day, limited clicks and so on!
So , I decided I'll build my own URL Shortener! And now you can see the result!❤
I could have built that with Node , Python or PHP but I wanted something different but also simple.
What FossURL isn't 😑
- Super Turbo Nitro Fascinating Amazing Dazzling Fast 😉
- Most Secure URL Shortener of the universe 😉
What's New In That So-called 'v2.0' 😎
- Improved Speed
- New UI inspired by
- Removed All 3rd-party libraries
Screenshot 🎉
So, I guess that's enough for today, feel free to contribute to FossURL , It'll be so kind of you ❤
If You Like My Work (My Articles, Stories, Softwares, Researches and many more) Consider Buying Me A Coffee ☕ 🤗
Top comments (13)
While it's a nice project the title and idea of the article is totally clickbaity. You're just hosting the front-end of the app in GitHub Pages, you can do that with any idea that you have and not just with an URL shortener. As long as you're using a server to store things, whether it's yours or not, it's not fully on GitHub Pages.
Actually , I didn't intended to make the title like clickbait..
The main intention of the whole article was last two points ,
At first I was thinking of title FossURL 2.0 Released but it was little awkward , so I shifted to the kind-of-tagline.
I apologise for any inconvenience.
I changed the title mentioning jsonstore
I'm also even disliking myself for that choosing such touchy title.
Actually , I didn't intended to make the title like clickbait..
The main intention of the whole article was last two points ,
At first I was thinking of title FossURL 2.0 Released but it was little awkward , so I shifted to the kind-of-tagline.
I apologise for any inconvenience.
I'll add a notice about on the top
Thanks for taking care of that, it's much clearer now :)
I changed the title mentioning jsonstore
Great Man , well use of, Really good idea.
Correct me if I am wrong
Looks nice but is kinda false ads, it uses an 3rd party hosting.
I changed the title mentioning jsonstore
One of the coolest things I have seen all year.
may i know which ui framework used,
Nothing, just plain css