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My last contributions for Hackoctoberfest

PR 4 : Telescope

I got mentioned in issue-2407 where it seem like our stagging server is broken after my PR got merged

The issue is that @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin and @typescript-eslint/parser don't support eslint v8.1

So I got a change to practice to do git revert <commit-id> to revert my commit and return the packages version back to where it were before.

git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git checkout -b issue-2407
git revert 3d7a3336d4bf89b6174b81c0999c29f411490ffc
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Eventhough we did attempt to update other plugins to the latest version but once again the code broke and sadly I have to fully revert my commit and made PR-2408

While resolving: @senecacdot/telescope@2.2.0
#9 13.23 npm ERR! Found: eslint@7.23.0
#9 13.23 npm ERR! node_modules/eslint
#9 13.23 npm ERR!   dev eslint@"7.23.0" from the root project
#9 13.23 npm ERR! 
#9 13.23 npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
#9 13.23 npm ERR! peer eslint@">=7.28.0" from eslint-plugin-prettier@4.0.0
#9 13.23 npm ERR! node_modules/eslint-plugin-prettier
#9 13.23 npm ERR!   dev eslint-plugin-prettier@"4.0.0" from the root project
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PR 5: Updating the for Telescope

When I try to set up the Telescope project, I did have some good reading and usefull links so as to help other new contributors to join the project can set up the environment faster and I decide to create another PR just to add some more usefull information on how to set up WSL2 ready to go. Compare to other docs PR that I did, this time I has to put a lot of consider and fix my draft many times so it work for the project in general and for people who trying to set up the environment, but I was really happy after my PR got merged. Also during the time that I try to update the, @cindy Le also fixing and updating the same doc and it is my first time ever resolving a conflict and I have to redo it 3 times just to have it work like the way I wanted.

I thought I will make it to PR-6 for Hackoctober but unfortunately weekends work hold me down a bit.

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