Hey π
This is my first blog in the new year, and wanted to start off by wishing everyone a happy new year 2023.
The topic of this blog post accompanied by a step-by-step video guide is how to customize your PowerShell
for your new computer for Windows 10/11 users
I was asked by lots and lots of friends who watched my videos on how to create this gorgeous-looking terminal, I have a written blog for that but even it is not that complete.
So, I decided to record each step of the process, to document the important points in less than 30 minutes.
And it's not only PowerShell but more than that, and here is the list of topics covered in this video with timestamps:
01:11 Install PowerShell Core 7 [Microsoft Store]
02:08 Reboot terminal and customize position in JSON file
02:24 Move PowerShell to Chevron top
03:00 Customize PowerShell appearance
03:59 Make Tab Row acrylic
04:42 Install patched nerd fonts [CaskaydiaCove NF]
05:48 Changing terminal font
06:25 Changing the terminal color [customized in JSON]
07:53 Install Neovim
08:48 Create init.vim file
10:03 Plug Installation
10:52 Install Git for Windows [Gitbash]
11:41 Create SSH key
12:06 Neovim setup for autocompletion [js, ts, css, etc...]
12:56 Install NodeJS
13:29 Install NVM with Chocolatey
14:06 Install Yarn for COC (Neovim)
15:34 Install COC-Python (Neovim)
16:35 Install Oh My Posh (Prompt theme engine)
17:12 Make a user profile ($PROFILE)
18:07 Customize prompt (Aliases)
19:17 Create my_profile.omp.json
19:42 Change themes
22:13 Install Terminal Icons
23:10 Install z - Directory jumper
23:46 Install PSReadLine - Autocompletion
25:10 Add a utility command -
26:14 Try
26:40 Update the profile
27:25 VSCode integrated terminal
Hope you enjoy this guide, and let me know if anything you wanted is missing; I also like to be taught and educated by you for mutual benefit.
Thank You :)
Top comments (2)
Amazing video. I enjoyed following along with you tutorial and you showing ways in which Powershell in Windows Terminal could be customised and empower users.
Thank you.
Thank you very much for watching