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Pick up a book

Bek Brace on January 04, 2024

Hey! Do you read ? As a developer, engineer, CS student (I guess you do), programmer, data scientist, YouTuber (like myself) ... do you read ? If y...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I tend to mostly read history/biography

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

I love biography books too.
I am reading [Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Biography of the Greatest Russian Novelist] now as well, Dostoevsky for me is the one of the most important writers in history

samejima profile image

I recently graduated university in computer science.
I do read
Grokking Algorithms - Aditya Bhargava
Data Structures & Algorithms in Python - Michael Goodrich(and others)
The Art of Clean Code - Christian Mayer

and special bonus I read a manga called jujutsu kaisen :)))

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

I have a copy of Grokking Algorithms, by Aditya Bhargava. I liked the book!

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

I love Jujutsu Kaisen :))

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

I'm in a French-Colombian couple so big kudos for the combo : Guy de Maupassant & Gabriel Garcia Marquez <3

For my part, I am reading Sublimes, a powerful world building fantasy, 750 pages - and that's just the first of three parts. Sublimes is written by Emma Schütz who is a dear friend publishing her first book and I'm both proud of her and delighted by her.

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace • Edited

Merci Jean-Michel :)
Je jetterai un coup d'oeuil sur "Sublimes" :) Merci pour la recommendation

jd2r profile image

I'm currently reading The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos, which I'm finding pretty technical but interesting nonetheless.

Earlier this week, I finished the Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge, which was a fantastic (though not coding-related) read.

I usually swing towards non-fiction for any recreational reading, but I have some favorite novels like The Twenty-One Balloons and Treasure Island as well :)

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

I love Treasure Island :)

amtzespinosa profile image
Alex Martínez

I am almost done with The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography by Simon Singh.

Next I will read The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson and Ghost in the wires by Kevin D. Mitnick.

I am not very into fiction!

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

I have read Read World Haskell and One Hundred Years of Solitude . I have also read Awakening by Guy De Maupassant (liked it).

The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald - I am currently reading. I just got a copy of Two Wheels Good by Jody Rosen (this one as I started bicycling nowadays after nearly 45 years!).

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Of course I read! I am into non-fiction books. I have always had a thirst for knowledge. I like to learn about finance, business, philosophy and spirituality. I am currently reading Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles also I am about to pick up a book on business.

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

I love everything related to Japanese culture, I have studied Hiragana and Katakana, I know around 140 Kanji characters as well, and speaking of Japanese culture, one of my all-time favorite books is 1Q48 by Haruki Murakami.
I like your picks, great to see some who don't only enrich their tech knowledge, but also in different aspects like philosophy and business!

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre

I tend to interleave between fiction and non-fiction. On my to-read list:

  • the programmer's brain
  • 7 Habits of Effective People
  • Designing data-intensive applications
skyloft7 profile image

I just finished reading American Prometheus. I think there are some interesting parallels and lessons to learn about the power of technology in our hands as developers :)

x64x2 profile image

The Stranger by Camus

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

I love Albert Camus, studied some of his works in school

uncommonnayana profile image
Nayana • Edited

I'm not into self-help but currently reading So good, they can't ignore you & finding it pretty interesting!