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Bek Roz
Bek Roz

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Competition is great. And the most competent competitor you’ll ever find is you. Streak tracking helps you to build new habits and compete with yourself in a healthy way.

As usual, let’s see why streak tracking is important, how we can use it, and the tools to apply.

🧩 “ARM” loop

You take the action. This action leads you to achieve some results. And those results generates the new motivation which indeed pushes you to take the further actions.
Streak tracking is great way of creating that beautiful loop.

🧩 “Day 1” principle

Let’s say, you’ve been extremely productive throughout the day. In the next morning, you have no choice but to restart all over again. Nobody even notices it. In streak tracking, you don’t lose your achievements. They always stay there, you can be proud of them. And at the same time, you still know you have to beat the past version of yourself. At least, keep up with it.

🧩 Compound effect

Every code, every git push, every project adds up. Even the barely noticeable changes, can become the huge rewards you can reap later on.

🧩 Self-fulfilling prophecy

This works like the first “ARM” loop effect. You take some action. And this action creates some results which in turn brings some belief about your identity and expectations about your future self. And the next morning, you (the future version of you) takes the action based on those expectations. Great, right?

🎯 How should I start streak-tracking?

Start from the easiest habit you can do today. Set it and keep following it for the rest of the year. Following examples are taken from my own streak tracker:

⁃ Code for 1 minute*
⁃ Push 1 commit to GitHub.
⁃ Automate 1 thing.
⁃ Do 1 Push up.
⁃ Drink a glass of water in the morning.
⁃ No coffee and soda at work.
⁃ Listen 1 Blink podcast.

  • 1 Smile to anyone.

  • Plot twist: I often end up coding for 8-10 hours a day. ;)

📱 App recommendations?

For streak tracking, “HabitMinder” is the best choice out there. It’s super intuitive and simple.
For monitoring your GitHub commits, “Contributions” app is the perfect one to try.

👉 Recap:

The best way to build any habit is tracking your daily streaks.


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