DEV Community

Bek Roz
Bek Roz

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Underrated things amongst developers

Here is the list of common senses that most developers neglect and the reason you should avoid them.

Coffee ☕️

It’s not a solution for tiredness or high energy. Natural energy and highs are the ones you should care about. Coffee just delays your physical exhaustion. The best choice of beverage for your body is water. You always knew that.

Negotiation 🤝

The first rule of negotiation:
Never tell them the price. Whoever tells it first, loses.
You are always worth more than you think you deserve. For company to exist, employees have to generate more wealth than their monthly income. Because that’s how it works. Know your market price. And become an active negotiator. If you don’t ask for more, employer or client won’t rise the price by their will.

Financial health💰

Be ready for everything. Life is a game. And the best players plan their several next moves ahead. Yes, money can’t solve all your problems. But it solves all of your money problems. Trust me, without financial health you’ll be jeopardizing your entire career and life.

Human Nature 👥

The best hackers are the masters of human psychology and motivations. They know what triggers you, makes you nervous, calm, distracted, compulsive. They don’t hack computers, they hack humans. They know how the game theory works and gets the best possible outcome because of that. If you’re not playing the game, then you’re being played. Learn how to play in life.

I’ll leave “The Laws of Human Nature” by Robert Greene for you to read.

Listening 🦻

Yes, we don’t listen enough. Listen to your clients’ needs. What they want, why the certain feature is what they care about, are they really clients in your niche, can they pay what you ask for (!), how long they want to work with you, do they really understand you? You don’t have to prove your skills, you have to ASK what they want and LISTEN to them.

Documentation 📜

Always keep in mind: If someone is struggling to implement some feature in certain language, then they haven’t read the documentation yet. StackOverflow is great. YouTube is great. But the documentation is pure gold. It’s the only source for both of them.

Spiritual health 🧘🏻‍♂️

Coding is not always a fun game. It’s not just about typing the keyboard. Toxic coworkers, dumb clients, scammers, broken internet, unpaid subscriptions, annoying neighbors, noisy city, political problems are always part of your life. You can’t control everything. Focus on what you can control. Your mind, your internal progress, your thoughts. Study how stoics view the world. And you’ll be far ahead than other developers in the game.

👉 Recap:

If you can’t focus on your coding, then you might be neglecting some common senses.


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