The HNG internship 2025 just kicked off. As an introductory task, one was supposed to configure an nginx server to serve a custom HTML page on an ubuntu system. This exercise reinforced my knowledge of web server configurations and nginx especially.
Step 0: Setting up a virtual machine.
Azure was my go to platform. you can setup using the web interface on the portal or use the azure cli. for the
For the cli the command to setup the virtual machine:
az vm create --name myVm --resource-group hng --size Standard_D2s_v3 --image Ubuntu24.04 --nsg-rule SSH --admin-username <your_username> --admin-password <your_password>
Don't forget to open port 80:
az network nsg rule create --resource-group hng --nsg-name myVmNSG --name Allow-HTTP --protocol tcp --priority 1001 --destination-port-ranges 80 --access Allow --direction Inbound
Next set up the ssh keys for your connection:
az vm create \
--resource-group hng \
--name myVm \
--image Ubuntu2204\
--admin-username <azureuser> \
--ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/
copy the private key to your ssh folder and change the permissions to said file:
chmod 400 <your private key>.pem
SSH into the server. Answer the prompts as needed.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your-private-key> <username>@<vm-public-ip>
Step 1: Set up the nginx server
Update your system and install nginx:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y ngnix
Check the status and if the install worked correctly:
sudo systemctl status nginx
Step 2: configure the html pages
open the html file with an editor of your choice:
sudo vim /var/www/html/index.html
<DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Hello, World!</title>
<p>Welcome to DevOps Stage 0 - Benson Gikonyo/Benson G</p>
Step 3:Modify ownership and file permissions:
modify permissions:
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html
modify ownership:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
Finally Restart Nginx:
sudo systemctl restart nginx
type your ip in your web browser to see your finished result:
Challenges Faced:
File permissions and ownership were a bit of a challenge for me, and it improved my understanding about nginx.
Reflections on the task
Completing this task helped me understand and reinforce my knowledge of:
- Setting up and configuring web servers
- Troubleshooting common issues in server configurations
- Embracing a Problem solving Mindset
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