This has been a contentious debate with a windy path and lots of detours. What are the most important elements of this discussion and where do we stand now?
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This has been a contentious debate with a windy path and lots of detours. What are the most important elements of this discussion and where do we stand now?
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Raja Jaganathan -
Yohan Lasorsa -
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Top comments (34)
Classical! I think CSS is poorly misunderstand and slighted - when understood and well applied CSS can be a powerful tool or a frustrating after thought.
This is probably the best CSS description I've read. ππΌ
I'm a convert to CSS-in-JS. The developer experience is really great. The cognitive overhead of keeping my component styles in separate files and switching between them was aggravating. It cost time and mental energy to keep track of everything. In the same way using a mouse is slow and distracting compared to keyboard shortcuts, CSS in separate files from JS components is slow and distracting compared to keeping it all together. It's still a separation of concerns, but the concern isn't style-vs-login; it's separation by component.
I had a doubt around nextjs style css in string literal. Is there any tooling suport for that? Like auto-complete, linter etc?
If you use
with Next.js then you can use the VSCode styled-component extensionVue.js and Svelte3 allows you to have scoped classical CSS inside of components.
In Angular too, and the absence of component scoped CSS in React is the only reason that would push me to use CSS-in-JS.
Yeah, React is all about Javascript (JSX, CSS IN JS).
Not really, CSS in JS is a community addition to react. By default there is only raw unscoped CSS if I'm not missing anything.
You can configure webpack to handle [.regex].css files as scoped.
In Create-React-App it's default if you name it .module.css that it's scoped.
My bias is that I don't use Javascript much, and I don't use componenty things like React at all.
But I strongly dislike CSS-in-JS, and disagree with anyone who says that it's a good separation of concerns.
I think that the CSS-in-JS movement came built on two trends.
First, the "framework" idea where CSS is used as shims for inline styles, with utility classes such as "large-text" or "padding-right-10" or whatever, and millions of non-semantic wrappers. These break any separation of content and presentation you might want by meaning you have to update your HTML every time you change anything about your appearance.
Second, the rise of node. People jumped aboard node more than previous languages/frameworks because they often already knew a lot of the language from classical Javascript, and because they saw an opportunity to re-make something in a relatively easy manner. Suddenly a million people without an original idea between them could put that they were the "maintainer" (or "creator" if they were being particularly shifty) of a package onto their next job application.
These together mean that the world is unapologetic about crossing style and semantic concerns or about needlessly remaking everything in JS.
When CSS-in-JS came around they didn't stop in their tracks and say, "hold up". It doesn't seem like a bad idea to them.
If I have a widget and I want to place it on a site in a main content area or a sidebar or a footer, I want it to get its styles from the cascade. CSS-in-JS simply can't do this, unless you import a bunch of common styles inside each widget. I've seen that advocated, and you know what? It's reinventing the cascade. Why import common styles in JS when you already have a way of doing it? One that won't break when your script throws an exception or fails to load?
I think, if anything, it should be called Style-in-JS, because it's not CSS. It doesn't use its own stylesheet and it avoids the cascade. Style-in-JS is OK. It's not exactly nice, but who hasn't written a hack somewhere that does more than a
display: none
toggle when there's no obvious easier way?It's just, well, if I edit styles in my JS, I'd add a comment saying
// @TODO: move these to a stylesheet
.And if I was going to keep CSS tied to JS, I'd at least keep it in a separate file.
Well said.
Classical CSS. I tried CSS in JavaScript and I didn't like it. I am so use to connecting the HTML, CSS and JS separately.
Embedding CSS in Javascript makes a web app nearly unmaintainable on the long run. You start noticing it when you wonder where the hell that odd margin or background on an element came from, just to find out that it was set by some random script on a random created/mounted event. And what if you want to change the framework used by your frontend? If you keep JS and CSS separate, then it's easy to change the logic without breaking the style. Otherwise, be ready for crying.
A lot of issues in today's web development come from mixing templates, style and frontend logic all together. It took more than a decade to realize that mixing templates and backend code, like PHP or JSP would do, was a bad idea that led to unmaintainable and undebuggable code. It'll probably take the world one more decade to realize that mixing styles, logic and templates is an awfully bad idea for the exact same reasons: logic layer and presentation layer ought to ALWAYS be separate.
I β€οΈ CSS-in-JS because it's so easy to use (although I may be biased because I'm very used to it at this point). I use it in all my side projects if I can.
It's not perfect though, and it can cause performance problems depending on what you're trying to render. There are some people at Atlassian who are trying to solve some of these performance issues with compiled-css-in-js so it will be interesting to see where that goes.
Classic css feels like cubersome for me. But it does give me benefit of using css classes anywhere. I'm not into CSS-IN-JS but I just hope that CSS can be as strongly typed stylesheet as Any other languages it would be.
OFF-TOPIC: Still waiting for FLUTTER VS REACT NATIVE Post. That's the most talkative Mobile framework on the web. Well of course, my profile pic says it all.
It's gotta be a split. The entire theme can't be done inside JS components. I love something like Tailwinds in the template and then CSS in js for the components. It's the best way I know to stop a stylesheets' persistent growth.
CSS scoped is a nice shortcut to reducing complications, and it is still CSS in HTML.
In the end, I still prefer CSS in HTML for SEO purposes, perhaps still with Webpack and
.The arguments for separating CSS from JS are, in my experience, misguided.
You will hear that putting your styles in a style sheet is "separation of concerns". But I don't think that's quite right.
If your styles are concerned with your UI code, then they belong together.
However, you can achieve this in many ways. With
, or with CSSclassNames
and having many individual stylesheets for each component of your code.I find that
offer the best mix of both re-usability (via composition) and clarity. I love that I do not have to go searching for where my styles are defined and worrying about how they are somehow inherited from other places. The structure is clearer.But, as with all things, the caveat is: do what feels natural to you, what solves your problem, and what makes the most sense given your technical stack and direction.