DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

Posted on

Joel is stepping down from Stack Overflow

This marks the end of an era in a lot of ways. Joel Spolsky's influence on software development can't be understated. Stack Overflow is a huge company with lots of decision makers, so things will carry along without him.

In the post, he acknowledges that Stack will have to keep evolving

The type of people Stack Overflow serves has changed, and now, as a part of the developer ecosystem, we have a responsibility to create an online community that is far more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming of newcomers.

It's pretty interesting to make this announcement without a successor named.

It will not be easy to find a CEO who is the right person to lead that mission. We will, no doubt, hire one of those fancy executive headhunters to help us in the search. But, hey, this is Stack Overflow. If there’s one thing I have learned by now, it’s that there’s always someone in the community who can answer the questions I can’t.


Latest comments (41)

khrome83 profile image
Zane Milakovic

I mean, ok.

I think change may be good.

I stopped using SO a long time ago. It’s a largely untrustworthy in a lot of topics. Especially those that change fast over time, like JS.

jwp profile image
John Peters • Edited

S.O., in my opinion; has become the site of the most rude, opinionated and offensive question site anywhere.

Many years ago, I spent hours daily answering questions as a learning tool for my own interests. I achived a top 5% contributer acknowledgement.

Today, I refuse to contribute at all. Reason? Nazi moderators mostly, but negativity within the community is the norm. There's little respect for honest questions and plenty of downvotes everywhere.

I only go there for answers now.

triptych profile image
Andrew Wooldridge

Change is good. Perhaps either he decided to take a break, or a break was decided for him. Either way, new leadership will perhaps help shake up some of the old crystallized thinking and keep SO relevant for the future.

thepeoplesbourgeois profile image

In trying to remove personal bias from my thoughts, I realized that my opinion of this news is, indeed, inseparable from what I know of Joel personally.

To that end, it's probably unfair of me to share any thoughts on the matter at all.

peledzohar profile image
Zohar Peled

"there’s always someone in the community who can answer the questions I can’t." Great quote.

_hs_ profile image

"that is far more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming of newcomers" yeah after they had questionar and got a lot of negative feedback probably

nabilahsan profile image
Md Nabil Ahsan

Ben is too cool for SO.

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland

So, Ben - have you applied yet?

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Reputation is flawed on pretty much every site that tries to implement it. The more you try to smooth it out the more cracks you notice, and after it's gotten going you can't suddenly change. It's like pinball: pressing "start" generally gets you a million or so points on modern games, and you could just lop off the last few zeros with no effect apart from... everyone who has high scores resenting you forever.

peiche profile image

I've only answered a few questions on SO, but my rep keeps on growing as people upvote them. My rep there is definitely not indicative of my actual involvement on the site.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

But it is indicative of the value the site's users have received from you over time.
Reputation is difficult, and I can't think of a good way of doing it, but SO's way is not really any worse than any other site. And it's a lot better than counting "likes" on Facebook.

vinaypai profile image
Vinay Pai

Yeah same here, over 90% of my reputation score is from a single answer, years ago,that frankly isn't even all that insightful. It keeps getting upvoted though, so I keep adding 50 points a week or so even though I haven't really participated much in a while.

mnayeem profile image
Nayeem Rahman

Nah, I was kidding. '#HumbleBrag' from me is more about pointing out an alternative, unintended interpretation for comedy. More like 'That's what she said'.

notriddle profile image
Michael "notriddle" Howell

Discourse, which is pretty much Stack's successor, already solves this problem:

  • Your level of permission is capped: there is no "karma"/"rep" number that users are motivated to grow forever. There is no automatically-granted permission level beyond TL3, and all TL3 users are equal.
  • If you dip below the activity requirements, you lose TL3 (you can't lose TL2, but TL2 is pretty easy to get).
kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

He's done a lot for devs over the years. Outside of SO, he also had a successful blog with a lot of gems. Such as A Field Guide to Developers. He was hilarious on the SO podcast -- I caught the tail end of his tenure there.

So I hope he enjoys his retirement. Sincerely.

mnayeem profile image
Nayeem Rahman • Edited

#humblebrag ;)

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