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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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What new hobbies have you picked up lately?

Your life has certainly changed during the pandemic, has anyone out there picked up new hobbies? Or perhaps a hobby took on before Covid and might want to return to later?

Latest comments (39)

qant profile image

Mine is making VR180 stereoscopic 3d videos.

I got VR headset and its insane! Never though i can play quake 2 like i am really inthere, inside in the game! And i got my new hobby is to make stereoscopic 3d images and Videos. Also alot of ppl public this kind of videos on youtube "#vr180".

So, if some one have VR headset you can check my youtube:

sarehprice profile image
Sarah Price

Before the Pandemic, I loved reading, bookbinding, and jewelry making. Since the Pandemic, I've kept those up and even started reading more often which has been a sanity saver. But a new hobby I picked up was making collages. I got a book of antique themed stickers and have been using those a lot along with a bunch of paper scraps. I've been great and challenges for me as collages break a lot of design rules.

jakesweb profile image
Jacob Colborn

Picking back up a hobby from a long time ago with Astronomy in my backyard. This time I got a whole setup for astrophotography to go with it. Now, if I could just get one clear night I would be loving it.

The other thing I've started doing is learning a new language (Swedish since my wife and I are considering moving there in the future). Learning a new language is so much harder than I remembered from when I was in high school learning French, but it may just be the resources I am using.

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre


saracunn profile image
Sara Cunningham

Trying to use the internet to better myself:) of course there are times when I aimlessly scroll, but i am trying to make a constant effort to use technology and the internet to improve my self through informative readings, tutorials, and educational videos

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Finding more ways to be active outside of a gym! Paddle boarding, biking, virtual yoga, etc.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I used to be passive on here for months but now I have decided to be more active. I am writing blogs on And I am also trying to read some webtoon comics.

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

I'm not making the best use of my time, which is nothing new. :) I'm kind of stuck in a loop sometimes and a lot of time is spent freaking out/being depressed. I live alone so, despite the various stages of reopening, it's not like I can socialize much with all the restrictions with people "outside your household" (i.e. anyone but me - lol) Bottom line, a side effect of that mental state is feeling tired all the time, which makes it hard to do anything. I keep my energy to get through the work days.

I'm trying to get back into plastic models. I have a Mirage IIIC fighter jet on the table waiting for me to sit down and seriously get to it. I also have a bunch of unbuilt models stacked up in a closet, so that stuff could keep me busy for a long time. It's only a matter of getting to cruising speed one day and then it'll become a regular thing. I'm weird like that.

I'm trying to work out more, though a stretched muscle has put a damper on that one. I was on a roll for a while.

lehmannsystems profile image

Smoking meats! I bought an electric smoker during the pandemic and it has been awesome. We've done pulled pork, corn, mushrooms, salmon, chicken and ribs a few times. We're trying a brisket tomorrow!

It's the perfect work from home project because it forces you to go check it every hour or two and add more woodchips.

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini

I am planning to learn to draw cartoons.

You see, I am not very good at drawing, but I also like to pepper my presentations with comics-like pictures. In few cases, every slide is a cartoon (if you are curious, check my slideshare profile), I find this a very effective way of presenting, although the it requires much more work than your average PowerPoint.

The problem is that, being not very good at drawing, I end up to stick figure solution. Stick figures are nice (xkcd proves it), but I feel limited and I would like to be able to get some more flexibility. Therefore, I got few books about manga drawing (the easiest to find) hoping to get some "tricks" and techniques.

I am not aiming to the manga level (but if I can achieve it, I would not complain...), just something more than basic stick figure.

theonlybeardedbeast profile image

3d modelling :)

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

ReadingπŸ“š and I'm enjoying it.

nombrekeff profile image
Keff • Edited

Yup, anxiety is my newest hobby lol! Just kidding, that is my profession xD

PD: We can go out here in Spain so I've returned to climbing after quite a while, and I love it more than ever :)

kethmars profile image

Creating content in YouTube 😍. Still need to find something to be done away from computer.

steeve profile image
Steeve • Edited

Since the quarantine, I started to look at the best storage solutions to save all my personal data (images/videos/documents) and after a lot of products/solutions analysis and feedback from social media, I decided to set up a NAS! The benefits:

  • Private Local Cloud Storage
  • Availability
  • Redundancy
  • Easy to use and setup
  • Automatic Backup (also sometimes backup in cold storage)
  • Add more storage space if needed
  • Most of all, the Peace of Mind

By searching for the pieces of information (hardware/software/etc...), It became a kind of temporary hobby 😽