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Ben Greenberg
Ben Greenberg

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Solve User Data Issues in Your App in About 5 Minutes

What if I told you in about 5 minutes or so you can learn how to solve the headache of complying with user data privacy regulation issues in your applications?

It's true!

In 5 short videos (2 minutes or less each) on YouTube you will be introduced to implementing the following workflow that will automate all your data sanitization needs.

Workflow for data sanitization automation

Want to discover how? Watch these 5 videos!

Ready to dive in more? Check out a GitHub repo with a fully working implementation you can build on.

Anonymize Data with AWS and Couchbase Example

This example demonstrates how to use a Node.js AWS Lambda function to anonymize live data streams sent via message queue before sending to Couchbase Capella. The Lambda function is triggered by an AWS SQS message, which then invokes the function to anonymize the data by removing the user's last name and IP address before sending it to Couchbase for storage.


  • Couchbase Capella account: You will need a Couchbase Capella account to store the data. You can sign up for a free account here. Capella is a fully managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) that provides a cloud-native database platform.
  • AWS account: You will need an AWS account to create an SQS queue and Lambda function. You can sign up for a free account here.
  • Node.js: You will need Node.js installed on your local machine to run the Lambda function locally. You can download…

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