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Bertil Muth
Bertil Muth

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Next step in your career

Is there something ahead of you soon? Even if not: what would you like it to be? What do you associate with it?

Top comments (13)

sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

As a consultant I can expect a new mission by the end of the year, although I have pretty much no idea of what it will be. There's even the possibility for my current mission to be renewed so... wait and see.

Independently of that I'd really like to go freelance at some point in my career, but I don't expect that to happen soon.

imben1109 profile image

Sometimes, I would like to be a freelancer. But I found that freelance job cannot sustain livelihood.

sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

Yeah, freelancing can be though, but some freelance are doing great, guess it depends on opportunities, etc... like many things in life.

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imben1109 profile image

Do you have any plan or method to find a freelance job or project?

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sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

Far from it, as I said I don't expect that to happen soon, it's just something I'd like to try one day, if possible, I have no real plans as of today.

steppefox profile image
Eldar Amantay

Personally, I want to do some work related to space programs. I always had that romantic idea of being a part of human progress. But, sadly, I am a Frontend developer with no deep knowledge of physics. Nevertheless, even if I'm going to do some marketing stuff like promo pages to popularise the idea of space researches more, or I'll create simple charts to show satellite statistics data, I guess I'll be happy, as a little ant in the big universe.

jacobtstaggs profile image
Jacob Staggs

I have had the joy of having a few grants through NASA. First being I wrote software on two payloads that went into space, second being that I was on a team who sent a high altitude balloon 100,000 ft into the stratosphere and did a life stream of the solar eclipse last year. I am also someone who interned in front end. Don't let the fact your title being front end developer hold you back from something you want to do.

drewknab profile image
Drew Knab

I'm pretty satisfied with my current position, all things considered.

If I'm being honest though, I'd like to work on a stack/corporate environment that lets me use MacOS/Linux instead of Windows as my daily driver.

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

I don’t really have goals, which kinda of is contrary to having just finished my Masters.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I made the jump from automation QA to web development, though. I’m not married to the idea of writing test cases for forever, but I want to keep coding. One concern with that though would be going from a senior test engie paygrade to an associate web dev paygrade. Living in the city, I don’t think I could take a salary hit.

fnh profile image
Fabian Holzer • Edited

I'm actually quite satisfied with my current position. But I certainly intend to to advance my career in the long run. From a rather technical point of view, I'd like to do more backend related work than now, maybe even leave frontend development completely behind. I'm also interested in a role which has on a long-term basis a more strategic nature than my current one. But at least in my company, I don't see that happening. The trade-off between influence on the one hand and bureaucracy, as well as corporate politics is not attractive, although I'm not sure if there are many companies which are not in one way or the other troubled with those aspects.

I also had a long chat recently with two people who went freelance and are quite successful with that. It is definitely a route I would consider for myself, maybe not as the next step, but as the one after that.

pinwheeler profile image
Anthony Dreessen

Something closer to the metal- programing machines as opposed to making software with a digital UI

benjcal profile image
Benjamin Calderon

So surprised to come here and read exactly what's on my mind!
I'm looking into embedded linux dev, microcontroller dev or Linux kernel drivers...

I've been using C for a few of my projects (back end web dev) and it's very fun while at the same is practice for lower lever stuff. 😁

doni profile image

Finishing my Front End Nanodegree with Udacity in October and also getting my first developer job.