Adding CSS To Your HTML
For beginners … very picture heavy since CSS is such a visual discipline!
Adding CSS To Your HTML
For beginners … very picture heavy since CSS is such a visual discipline
### Getting CSS Into Your HTML
- To connect your CSS sheet to your HTML page, use the link tag like so.
- Many developers use External pre-written CSS stylesheets for consistent design.
- You can connect multiple stylesheets.
CSS Selectors
CSS Selector
: Applies styles to a specific DOM element(s), there are various types:Type Selectors
: Matches by node name.
Class Selectors
: Matches by class name.
ID Selectors
: Matches by ID name.
Universal Selectors
: Selects all HTML elements on a page.
Attribute Selectors
: Matches elements based on the prescence or value of a given attribute. (i.e. a[title] will match all a elements with a title attribute)
/* Type selector */
div {
background-color: #000000;
/* Class selector */
.active {
color: #ffffff;
/* ID selector */
#list-1 {
border: 1px solid gray;
/* Universal selector */
* {
padding: 10px;
/* Attribute selector */
a[title] {
font-size: 2em;
Class Selectors
- Used to select all elements of a certain class denoted with a
.[class name]
- You can assign multiple classes to a DOM element by separating them with a space.
Compound Class Selectors
- To get around accidentally selecting elements with multiple classes beyond what we want to grab we can chain dots.
TO use a compound class selector just append the classes together when referencing them in the CSS.
i.e. .box.yellow will select only the first element.
KEEP IN MIND that if you do include a space it will make the selector into a descendant selector.
h2.subheading {
font-style: italic;
} When we want to target all
tags with the id ofheading
CSS Combinators
- CSS Combinators are used to combine other selectors into more complex or targeted selectors — they are very powerful!
- Be careful not to use too many of them as they will make your CSS far too complex.
Descendant Selectors
- Selects all descendants of a parent container.
Direct Child Selectors
- Different from descendants because it only affects the direct children of an element.
.menu > .is-active { background-color: #ffe0b2; }
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