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Vikrant Bhat
Vikrant Bhat

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How to setup Redux with React (2020)

Redux is probably the most popular global state management library for react by far. It eliminates the problem of prop-drilling and lets us manage the application state in a scalable way.

That’s enough introduction, now lets set it up in a react project!

Note: This article assumes that you understand the basics of redux. If not, please consider checking the redux documentation before moving forward.

What is the goal of this blog?

To understand and set up a classic counter example using redux with CRA.

A bonus section awaits you at the end!

You can clone the final result of this blog from here.

Step 1: Setup your react project

You can set up a react project and configure babel, webpack on your own or instead you can use create-react-app to spin up a react project, and that is indeed what we are going to do now.

    $ npx create-react-app my-react-redux-app

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Type the above command in your terminal / command prompt. Before this make sure that you have the latest version of node installed in your machine.

here, my-react-redux-app is the name of the project folder.

    $ cd my-react-redux-app

    $ npm start

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Now change the directory (cd) to my-react-redux-app and then start (npm start) the server by typing it in your terminal / command prompt.

And voila! the react project is now setup. You should be able to see a screen similar to the following in your browser:

Step 2: Install redux and react-redux

    npm install redux react-redux

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    yarn add redux react-redux

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Now that we have installed the packages, we can proceed with the setup.

react-redux lets us connect redux with our react application easily.

Step 3: Setup Redux Store in your index.js

In this step, we will be modifying the topmost component in our react project hierarchy i.e the parent of all components. It is important that we do this step on the topmost component because this ensures that our redux store is available to all the components.

Our index.js will look like:

    --------------------------- index.js ---------------------------

    import React from 'react';

    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

    import './index.css';

    import App from './App';

    // REDUX

    import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

    import store from './redux/store';


      <Provider store={store}>


          <App />





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here, we have imported something called ‘‘Provider’’ from react-redux.

‘‘Provider’’ is a component provided to us by the react-redux library. It wraps around our component. As you can see it also takes a prop called store (which is our redux store).

Before moving ahead, just for the sake of keeping our project structure organized, we will create a folder named redux in our src folder, and all of our redux specific code/logic will be inside this folder. This way we are making our project easy to read, test and scalable when the need arises.

Now let's create our store.

create a file named store.js inside the ./src/redux directory. (path — ./src/redux/store.js)

    ------------------------- ./src/redux/store.js ---------------------

    import { createStore } from 'redux';

    import rootReducer from './rootReducer';

    const store = createStore(rootReducer);

    export default store;

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here, we use the createStore() function from redux, to create a store! (well that explanation was a bit redundant 😜 as the name itself is quiet self-explanatory). We can see that we have also imported a file called rootReducer, which we haven't created yet, so let's do that now,

create a file named rootReducer inside the same directory as the store (i.e. path — ./src/redux/rootReducer.js)

    --------------------- ./src/redux/rootReducer.js -------------------

    import { combineReducers } from 'redux';

    import counterReducer from './Counter/counter.reducer';

    const rootReducer = combineReducers({

        counter: counterReducer,


    export default rootReducer;

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here, combineReducers() as the name suggests combines various reducers into a single reducer. In redux, we can create as many reducers as we want. It is ideal to create a new reducer for every operation that doesn't depend on any other action. Since the createStore() in store.js can take only one reducer, hence combineReducer() is used to convert multiple reducers into one.

With this, we have successfully created our rootReducer, but we can see that we have imported a file called counterReducer which again we haven't created yet😗. I know, I know it is a bit tedious but trust me and hang in there! You just have to do this once while setting up redux. Once the setup is done, it is a very smooth experience from there onwards.

counterReducer is the reducer function for the counter example that we talked of at the start. From the next step onwards we will start implementing our counter example.

Step 4: Setup counter reducer/actions/types

Firstly, let's create a folder called Counter in our redux folder (path — ./src/redux/Counter).

Inside the Counter folder, let's create 3 files —

  1. counter.types.js

  2. counter.actions.js

  3. counter.reducer.js

the file names are pretty self-explanatory of what they signify. (let me know if you have any confusion with this, in the comments section below)

let's create our types for the counter first. We will be needing two types, one for incrementing the counter and the other for decrementing.

    --------------- ./src/redux/Counter/counter.types.js ---------------

    export const INCREMENT = 'INCREMENT';

    export const DECREMENT = 'DECREMENT';

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here, we export both the constants, so that they can be imported in other files.

Next, let's create actions for the counter.

    --------------- ./src/redux/Counter/counter.actions.js -------------

    import { INCREMENT, DECREMENT } from './counter.types';

    export const increaseCounter = () => {

        return {

            type: INCREMENT,



    export const decreaseCounter = () => {

        return {

           type: DECREMENT,



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here, we import our types from counter.types.js file and pass them as types in their respective actions.

Now, let's create the reducer for our counter example.

    ------------------ ./src/redux/counter.reducer.js ------------------

    import { INCREMENT, DECREMENT } from './counter.types';

    const INITIAL_STATE = {

        count: 0,

    const reducer = (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {

        switch (action.type) {

            case INCREMENT:

               return {

                 ...state, count: state.count + 1,


            case DECREMENT:

               return {
                  ...state, count: state.count - 1,


             default: return state;



    export default reducer;

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here, firstly we import our types at the top. then we declare a constant called INITIAL_STATE this is going to be the default state for this specific reducer. After this, we create a function called reducer which takes two arguments — state, action. The State takes an initial value of INITIAL_STATE, and action receives any data (payload) that is passed from our action creator from counter.actions.js file.

Inside the reducer function, we use a switch-case from javascript and inside each case, we return the updated state. We use the spread operator (…) to copy the state into our new object and then add what we want to change in the state.

⚠️ Always remember: We never mutate the original state! Every time we have to make a change we return a new state object.

And in the end, we export our reducer, which is then imported in the _rootReducer.js _file.

With this, our reducer for the counter is ready! From the next step onwards we will write some JSX to display the increment and decrement buttons on our web app.

Step 5: JSX for increment / decrement buttons

To demonstrate the use of redux in our web app we will have to show something on our web app. So we will be writing some basic JSX and then afterward we will connect it with our redux store.

Let's open the App.js file (path — ./src/app.js)

Replace the existing boilerplate code with the following in your App.js

    -------------------------- ./src/App.js ----------------------------

    import React from 'react';

    import './App.css';

    function App() {

    return (

      <div className='App'>

         <div>Count: 0</div>

         <button>Increase Count</button>

         <button>Decrease Count</button>




    export default App;

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here, we have just added two buttons that do nothing at the moment and we display a static count value.

This is what you should be able to see in your browserThis is what you should be able to see in your browser

Now, let's connect the redux state and actions to this component in the next step.

Step 6: Connect redux state/actions to a component

Now that everything else is set up, the final step is to use the redux state and actions in our component.

import React from "react"

import "./App.css"

import { connect } from "react-redux"

import {
} from "./redux/Counter/counter.actions"

function App(props) {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <div>Count: {props.count}</div>

      <button onClick={() => props.increaseCounter()}>Increase Count</button>

      <button onClick={() => props.decreaseCounter()}>Decrease Count</button>

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    count: state.counter.count,

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
  return {
    increaseCounter: () => dispatch(increaseCounter()),

    decreaseCounter: () => dispatch(decreaseCounter()),

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App)

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here, we import the connect function from the react-redux library, we also import our increaseCounter and decreaseCounter actions.

The connect function is a Higher Order Component (HOC), it basically takes a component and adds some more props to it and then returns the same component with newly added props. Check the last line of App.js file where we export the component, we can see that connect is being used here as follows,

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App)

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connect takes two functions as arguments which are mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps.

Now let's see what these two functions do,

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    count: state.counter.count,

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
  return {
    increaseCounter: () => dispatch(increaseCounter()),

    decreaseCounter: () => dispatch(decreaseCounter()),

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mapStateToProps function as the name suggests maps the redux state to the props of the component it is declared in. So this basically adds whatever state you return from this function to your component. In our counter example, I have returned count from the redux state and hence now I can access count from props inside my App component.

mapDispatchToProps function does a very similar thing, but instead of adding state to props, it adds our actions to props! Whatever actions we return from this function are added to our component. And as you can see that in our example I have returned two actions i.e increaseCounter and decreaseCounter, hence we are able to access them from our props and then I release our actions on the respective button click.

With this now we have a fully functional react-redux app! If you liked the blog or have any queries, please let me know in the comments!

BONUS: Adding redux-dev-tools to the project

First, Download the chrome browser redux extension from here

Second, install the redux dev tools package from npm to your project, using the following command,

    npm install --save redux-devtools-extension

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Third, update your store.js to use the composeWithDevtools as follows,

    ------------------------- ./src/redux/store.js ---------------------

    import { createStore } from 'redux';

    import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension';

    import rootReducer from './rootReducer';

    const store = createStore(




    export default store;

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and that's it! Now you can access chrome dev tools for redux!

The chrome dev tools for redux looks something like this:

You can clone the final result of this blog from here.

Thank you for reading the article! I hope it added some value 😊.
You can follow me on twitter to get updates as soon as I post a new article or just tweet me your thoughts! Seeya!

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In the past few years in the web dev world, we’ve seen a significant push towards rendering our websites on the server. Doing so is better for SEO and performs better on low-powered devices, but one thing we had to sacrifice is TTFB.

In this article, we’ll see how we can identify what makes our TTFB high so we can fix it.

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Top comments (18)

calvinbarajas profile image
Calvin Barajas • Edited

App.js Using Redux...

// imports
import React from "react";
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import {
} from "./redux/Counter/counter.actions";

// component
function App() {
const count = useSelector((state) => state.counter.count);
const dispatch = useDispatch();

const handleIncrement = () => {

const handleDecrement = () => {

return (

Current Count: {count}



// export
export default App;

andrewjhart profile image
Andrew Hart

This is the better way to go now - the only downside is that I liked being able to abstract the connect function into a containers folder and import my components, then connect them in these separate containers. This allowed the component to simply expect specific props and then if you needed to remove redux, get rid of your containers and ensure your replacement adheres to the requirements laid in each components propTypes. However, I use much less redux than I used to and so I guess it's fair to use the hooks and then if I really want to swap I'll just combine reacts useContext and useReducer with a couple custom hooks. Currently, I still love my redux devTools too much to drop it entirely.

Lastly, redux-devtools-extension is deprecated. Use @redux-devtools/extension

rhinolamersonwar profile image

Yeah this is the best for me

ghostmayor profile image

I think in 2020 need use @refuxjs/toolkit , not use standart redux . What do u think about this ?

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

I must mention that in 2021 I would definitely use redux-toolkit instead of plain old redux with react. A blog post on redux-toolkit with react is coming soon! stay tuned

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Yes, absolutely that is an option too.

calvinbarajas profile image
Calvin Barajas

How useful would vanilla Redux knowledge be when learning Redux Toolkit? Thanks very much, this blog post is amazing.

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

It is quite vital to have a clear mental model of how Redux works (Reducers, Actions and Types) and how data flows. This knowledge will really help understand redux-toolkit better, which is just another layer of abstraction.

Thankyou for the appreciation! 🤗 and thanks for reading.

calvinbarajas profile image
Calvin Barajas • Edited

Hello Vikrant, I put console.log() in every file and here's the order everything is firing in:

COUNTER-TYPE TRIGGERED... counter.type.js:5
COUNTER-ACTIONS TRIGGERED... counter.actions.js:18
COUNTER-REDUCER TRIGGERED... counter.reducer.js:28
DEFAULT: 0 2 counter.reducer.js:23
ROOT-REDUCER... rootReducer.js:12
DEFAULT: 0 counter.reducer.js:23
STORE TRIGGERED... store.js:10
INDEX TRIGGERED... index.js:20

This is not what I expected to see at all. I was expecting index.js to be the first file triggered (instead it's the last one). This thing is bouncing all over the place. I guess that's normal for React/Redux.

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bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

I don’t get the context of your example fully, but to clear out redux basics, their documentation is the best, hands down.

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andrewjhart profile image
Andrew Hart

@calvinbarajas Not sure either but I would like to note that if you're using console.log then its concurrent so the order of ops may not align with the console output aka the console may not actually be the correct order.

viallymboma profile image

amazing post...i did not event need to clone the repo...i just copied and pasted the codes in this post on my editor and everithing is working with no stress in less than

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Hahaha, glad it was helpful :)

viallymboma profile image

definitely :)

alaminsheikh01 profile image
Alamin Sheikh

Thank you for your nice content, but i'm still confused from step 6, maybe we can use useSelector for more clear and more easy,

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Yes absolutely! That is the way I would suggest in 2021. Use react-redux hooks as much as possible. The "connect" is a Higher Order Component (HOC) which is still available, but now days hooks and functional components are the way to go.
Thanks for your comment, I will update the blog with the use of hooks. 😁

kobsharon profile image
Shallon Kobusinge

So helpful thank you.

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Glad I could help buddy!👐

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