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Getting Data from API: fetch

Here, I'll be going over a simple fetch method to get the data from an API using javascript code.

I'll be using a public api called TVmaze, where you can get info on hundreds of tv shows! I love using this api to practice!

Let's start with fetch method. In your .js file, add:

const url ='' 

fetch (url)
   .then(resp => resp.json())
   .then(data => console.log(data)) //api data will be visible in your browser console. 
   .catch(err => console.warn("ERROR", err));
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You will be able to see the data on your browser console, like this:

Now, to display a selected data on the browser, you need to create an id or a class in your .html file.

<h1 id="name"></h1>
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You are now able to grab the id and add textContent in your .js file. In this case, I want the name of the tv show to display on the screen. I have created a function that executes this:

function info(data) {
    document.getElementById("name").textContent =;
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Now, you need to call this function after you fetch the data:

fetch (url)
   .then(resp => resp.json())
   .catch(err => console.warn("ERROR", err));
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Finally, data is displayed on the browser, like this:

And that's it! Thank you for making it till the end :)

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