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Lucas Ferreira
Lucas Ferreira

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Using the API Gateway Authorizer with multi user-pools


I've been working on a project with a multi-tenancy architecture, and during the refactor from single-tenant to multi-tenant, we had a problem with AWS Cognito and the AWS API Gateway Authorizer.

The problem was, we wanted to add multi Cognito User Pools to our Authorizer and use it to check the token in Cognito, something like this:

  • With SDK:
import { APIGateway } from 'aws-sdk';

const update_authorizer = async (apigateway: APIGateway, op: 'remove' | 'add') => {
    const params: APIGateway.Types.UpdateAuthorizerRequest = {
        authorizerId: 'x99xxx', /* required */
        restApiId: 'xxxx99xxxx', /* required */
        patchOperations: [ // adding all user pools to the same authorizer
            { // CognitoUserPoolTenantA
                path: '/providerARNs',
                value: 'arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:userpool/us-east-1_xxxxxxxxx',
            { // CognitoUserPoolTenantB
                path: '/providerARNs',
                value: 'arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:userpool/us-east-1_yyyyyyyyy',
            // and keep going adding new User Pools
    await apigateway.updateAuthorizer(params).promise();

// calling the script
const apigateway = new APIGateway({ region: 'us-east-1' });
await update_authorizer(apigateway, 'add');
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  • With Cloud Formation:
      - SharedApiGateway
    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer
      Name: Authorizer
      IdentitySource: method.request.header.Authorization
        Ref: SharedApiGateway
        - Fn::GetAtt: ['CognitoUserPoolTenantA', Arn]
        - Fn::GetAtt: ['CognitoUserPoolTenantB', Arn]
        # keep going adding new User Pools in the file
        # or adding with the SDK.
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Problems during implementation

  • The API Authorizer has a default cache with the time for invalidation equal to 300 seconds. See more here.

  • After the changes made by the update_authorizer() function, we saw that the tokens were taking some time to work until we found the createDeployment() inside the AWS SDK for API Gateway.

Final solution

We had to add new functions to the same file where we wrote the first function (update_authorizer).

// ...
const release_api_deployment = async (apigateway: APIGateway) => {
    const params: APIGateway.Types.CreateDeploymentRequest = {
        restApiId: 'xxxx99xxxx', /* required */
        stageName: 'dev',
    await apigateway.createDeployment(params).promise();

const flush_authorizers = async (apigateway: APIGateway) => {
    const params: APIGateway.Types.FlushStageAuthorizersCacheRequest = {
        restApiId: 'xxxx99xxxx', /* required */
        stageName: 'dev', /* required */
    await apigateway.flushStageAuthorizersCache(params).promise();

// final call
const execute = async () => {
    const apigateway = new APIGateway({ region: 'us-east-1' });
    await update_authorizer(apigateway, 'remove');
    await flush_authorizers(apigateway); // clean cache
    await release_api_deployment(apigateway); // release a new version of the API

    // ... and to test the API we need to generate new tokens

try {
} catch (error) {
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So with those scripts, we can update the API Gateway Authorizer to works with multi Cognito User Pools without implement a Custom Authorization Lambda.

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