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Bigyan Karki
Bigyan Karki

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❤️ Date Me Docs

What is Date Me Doc?

"Date-me docs” are both an emerging dating trend and a relic of a past era, more akin to newspaper personal ads than any bio posted on an algorithm-driven, swipe-based app. - NYT

The "Date Me Doc" is a new feature inspired by a trend highlighted in The New York Times and Wired, where people use detailed, Google Docs-like documents to express their dating preferences. Unlike brief profiles on dating apps, these documents allow individuals to thoroughly describe themselves, their interests, and what they seek in a partner. Accessible at, this experimental feature aligns with the growing shift away from traditional dating apps, providing a more personal and comprehensive way for users to find romantic connections. This feature, however, does not mean we are shifting our focus to being a dating app or company.

How Do I Make My Date Me Doc?

The core of "Date Me Doc" is its format-free approach: it's simply a document about yourself and what you're looking for. For inspiration, Steve has a directory of such docs on Notion. On The Drive AI, you can set any document as your public profile, whether it's a PDF, a YouTube video, a website, or something created in our editor.

AI assistant

On your profile page, you have the option to turn on the assistant feature. This lets you choose how the assistant talks, kind of like setting its personality to match your style. You can also add extra details to make it more personal. Think of it as creating your own AI buddy that reflects who you are. The assistant only answers based on the contents of the profile page, and additional information provided to it.

Happy date-me-docing!!

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