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Vasilis Soumakis
Vasilis Soumakis

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Monad Transformer in Java for handling Asynchronous Operations and errors (Part 2)


In the previous part we explained what is a monad, a monad transformer and demonstrated the importance of the TryT monad transformer.
In this part we are going to introduce another monad transformer called EitherT.

What is EitherT

EitherT is a monad transformer that encapsulates an Either monad inside a CompletableFuture.

This combination allows for chaining and composing asynchronous computations that may fail, using functional programming principles. The Either monad represents a value of one of two possible types. Instances of Either are either an instance of Left or Right.

  • Left is typically used to represent an error or failure.
  • Right is used to represent a success or valid result.

By wrapping an Either in a CompletableFuture, EitherT enables the handling of asynchronous operations that can fail or succeed in a functional way.

Problems solved by EitherT

  • Error Propagation: Propagates errors through the computation chain without the need for weird error-checking code.
  • Composability: Allows for the composition of multiple asynchronous operations, each of which may fail, in an easy to work manner.
  • Simplified Error Recovery: Provides straightforward mechanisms to recover from errors.



  1. Basic usage
import io.vavr.control.Either;

public class EitherTExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EitherT<String, Integer> successfulComputation = EitherT.right(42);
        EitherT<String, Integer> failedComputation = EitherT.left("Error occurred");

        successfulComputation.getFuture().thenAccept(result ->
            System.out.println("Success: " + result)

        failedComputation.getFuture().thenAccept(result ->
            System.out.println("Failure: " + result)
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In this example, we create two EitherT instances: one representing a successful computation and the other a failure. We then use the getFuture() method to access the underlying CompletableFuture and handle the results accordingly.

  1. Composing Asychronous computations
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class EitherTComposition {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EitherT<String, Integer> computation1 = EitherT.right(10);
        EitherT<String, Integer> computation2 = computation1.flatMap(value -> EitherT.right(value * 2));
        EitherT<String, Integer> computation3 = computation2.flatMap(value -> EitherT.right(value + 5));

        computation3.getFuture().thenAccept(result ->
                error -> System.out.println("Error: " + error),
                value -> System.out.println("Success: " + value)
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  1. Error recovery and handling
import java.util.function.Function;

public class EitherTErrorRecovery {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EitherT<String, Integer> failedComputation = EitherT.left("Initial error");

        Function<String, EitherT<String, Integer>> recoverFunction = error -> EitherT.right(100);

        EitherT<String, Integer> recoveredComputation = failedComputation.recoverWith(recoverFunction);

        recoveredComputation.getFuture().thenAccept(result ->
                error -> System.out.println("Error: " + error),
                value -> System.out.println("Recovered Success: " + value)
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The EitherT class is a powerful tool for managing asynchronous computations and error handling in Java and it shows us that it is not hard to embrace functional programming constructs and philosophy in Java.

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