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Nevertheless, Stacey Coded

I began coding because...

Self-enablement drove me to learn how to code. The internet was full of really immersive and engaging experiences and I wanted to do that.I hated the idea of handing something off, of not being able to do something because I too quickly equate that with weakness instead of growth. The motivation to understand the process at a deeper level drove me to code and the feeling of immediate empowerment and utter freedom in using code as a tool for creative expression, hooked me. Some people use a brush, a pen, some people use code I suppose.

I'm currently hacking on...

100 hundred projects that will never get completed? Currently working on a Neon Art based series with electronics and creating a rather large dot matrix installation that will likely just end up being something to put gifs on. Last scripting code I wrote was for lawyers to help visualize data and clean it up as an effort to help protest the ban.

I'm excited about...

Space right now. But my attention span is that of a caffeinated squirrel, so ask me again in a few seconds.

I've started to embrace more creative endeavors and am excited about using code as a means and not as an end in a few future projects.

My advice for other women who code is...

Code. Take your laptop to the coffee shop and code in public. The more you do it, the less people wonder where all the women be at.

Top comments (1)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Some people use a brush, a pen, some people use code I suppose.

Love it!