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Kenta Takeuchi
Kenta Takeuchi

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Implemented a bench marker to compare Go's HTTP Router

This article is a translation of - GoのHTTP Routerを比較するベンチマーカーを実装した.

This is day 5 of Makuake Advent Calendar 2022!


Bench markers were implemented to compare the performance of Go's HTTP Router.


The following HTTP Routers are currently being compared.

In some test cases, the Go standard net/http#ServeMux is also covered.


I have created my own HTTP Router called bmf-san/goblin.

bmf-san/goblin is a simple HTTP Router based on the Trie tree with minimal functionality.

By comparing the performance of bmf-san/goblin with other HTTP Routers, bmf-san/goblin goblin), the motivation is to get hints on how to improve bmf-san/goblin.

Another reason is that I have my own bench marker that can replace julienschmidt/go-http-routing-benchmark. Another motivation was to be able to maintain

The julienschmidt/go-http-routing-benchmark is the julienschmidt/httprouter, but maintenance seemed to have stopped in recent years, so I decided to create my own benchmarker and implement it. I decided to implement bench markers.

About the test design of the bench marker

As a premise, I would like to state that bmf-san/go-router-benchmark is not a complete comparison of HTTP Router performance .

The reasons are as follows.

  • Each HTTP Router has different functions and specifications, and it is not realistic to prepare a test case that perfectly covers all of them, so only some of the specifications are taken into account in the comparison.
  • Because each HTTP Router has its own data structure and algorithms, which may or may not be good or bad, and therefore the defined routing test cases may not fully evaluate the performance of each HTTP Router.

Therefore, the benchmark test will be a test case for a specific function or specification of HTTP Router only, but it can measure a certain difference in performance.

In bmf-san/go-router-benchmark, the performance is measured for the processing part of routing.
Specifically, it tests the ServeHTTP function in http#Handler.


The part that defines routing is not tested.
The process of defining routing is the process of registering data necessary for the routing process.

package main

import (
    "net/http" )

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello World")

func main() {
    mux := http.NewServeMux()
    mux.HandleFunc("/", handler) // here
    ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
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The following two test cases are available for the routing process.

  • Static routes
  • Routes with path parameters

Each test case is described below.

Static routes

A static route is a route without variable parameters such as /foo/bar.

The following four input patterns are available for testing this route.

  • /
  • /foo
  • /foo/bar/baz/qux/quux
  • /foo/bar/baz/qux/quux/corge/grault/garply/waldo/fred

This test case also compares the Go standard net/http#ServeMux.

Routes with path parameters

A route with path parameters is a route with variable parameters such as /foo/:bar.

In this route test, the following three input patterns are provided.

  • /foo/:bar.
  • /foo/:bar/:baz/:qux/:quux/:corge.
  • /foo/:bar/:baz/:qux/:quux/:corge/:grault/:garply/:waldo/:fred/:plugh

Since some HTTP Routers have different syntaxes for variable parameters, we also take into account the corresponding syntaxes for each.


Benchmark test results

Benchmark test results are available at go-router-benchmark.

The benchmark test environment is as follows

  • go version: go1.19
  • goos: darwin
  • goarch: amd64
  • pkg:
  • cpu: VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz

The benchmark results are as follows

  • time
    • Number of function executions
    • The higher the number of executions, the better the performance.
  • ns/op
    • Time required per function execution
    • The smaller the time, the better the performance
  • B/op
    • Size of memory allocated per function execution
    • The smaller the size, the better the performance
  • allocs/op
    • Number of memory allocations made per function execution
    • The fewer the number of memory allocations made per execution of the allocs/op function, the better the performance

cf. - Improving the performance of your code starting with Go

Describe the results of each test case.

Static routes

For static routes, one point of comparison seems to be whether the performance is better than or equal to the standard net/http#ServeMux.
HTTP Router, which is touted for its better performance, is still better than the standard.


time static-routes-root static-routes-1 static-routes-5 static-routes-10
servemux 24301910 22053468 13324357 8851803
goblin 32296879 16738813 5753088 3111172
httprouter 100000000 100000000 100000000 72498970
chi 5396652 5350285 5353856 5415325
gin 34933861 34088810 34136852 33966028
bunrouter 63478486 54812665 53564055 54345159
httptreemux 6669231 6219157 5278312 4300488
beegomux 22320199 15369320 1000000 577272
gorillamux 1807042 2104210 1904696 1869037
bon 72425132 56830177 59573305 58364338
denco 90249313 92561344 89325312 73905086
echo 41742093 36207878 23962478 12379764
gocraftweb 1284613 1262863 1000000 889360
gorouter 21622920 28592134 15582778 9636147
ozzorouting 31406931 34989970 24825552 19431296
techbook13-sample 8176849 6349896 2684418 1384840

Graph - time


nsop static-routes-root static-routes-1 static-routes-5 static-routes-10
servemux 50.44 54.97 89.81 135.2
goblin 36.63 69.9 205.2 382.7
httprouter 10.65 10.74 10.75 16.42
chi 217.2 220.1 216.7 221.5
gin 34.53 34.91 34.69 35.04
bunrouter 18.77 21.78 22.41 22
httptreemux 178.8 190.9 227.2 277.7
beegomux 55.07 74.69 1080 2046
gorillamux 595.7 572.8 626.5 643.3
bon 15.75 20.17 18.87 19.16
denco 14 13.03 13.4 15.87
echo 28.17 32.83 49.82 96.77
gocraftweb 929.4 948.8 1078 1215
gorouter 55.16 37.64 76.6 124.1
ozzorouting 42.62 34.22 48.12 61.6
techbook13-sample 146.1 188.4 443.5 867.8

Graph - nsop


bop static-routes-root static-routes-1 static-routes-5 static-routes-10
servemux 0 0 0 0
goblin 0 16 80 160
httprouter 0 0 0 0
chi 304 304 304 304
gin 0 0 0 0
bunrouter 0 0 0 0
httptreemux 328 328 328 328
beegomux 32 32 32 32
gorillamux 720 720 720 720
bon 0 0 0 0
denco 0 0 0 0
echo 0 0 0 0
gocraftweb 288 288 352 432
gorouter 0 0 0 0
ozzorouting 0 0 0 0
techbook13-sample 304 308 432 872

Graph - bop


allocs static-routes-root static-routes-1 static-routes-5 static-routes-10
servemux 0 0 0 0
goblin 0 1 1 1
httprouter 0 0 0 0
chi 2 2 2 2
gin 0 0 0 0
bunrouter 0 0 0 0
httptreemux 3 3 3 3
beegomux 1 1 1 1
gorillamux 7 7 7 7
bon 0 0 0 0
denco 0 0 0 0
echo 0 0 0 0
gocraftweb 6 6 6 6
gorouter 0 0 0 0
ozzorouting 0 0 0 0
techbook13-sample 2 3 11 21

Graph - allocs

Routes with path parameters

For routes with path parameters, we split the performance into two groups: one with a large degradation in performance as the number of parameters increases, and the other with a modest degradation.


time pathparam-routes-1 pathparam-routes-5 pathparam-routes-10
goblin 1802690 492392 252274
httprouter 25775940 10057874 6060843
chi 4337922 2687157 1772881
gin 29479381 15714673 9586220
bunrouter 37098772 8479642 3747968
httptreemux 2610324 1550306 706356
beegomux 3177818 797472 343969
gorillamux 1364386 470180 223627
bon 6639216 4486780 3285571
denco 20093167 8503317 4988640
echo 30667137 12028713 6721176
gocraftweb 921375 734821 466641
gorouter 4678617 3038450 2136946
ozzorouting 27126000 12228037 7923040
techbook13-sample 3019774 917042 522897

Graph - time


nsop pathparam-routes-1 pathparam-routes-5 pathparam-routes-10
goblin 652.4 2341 4504
httprouter 45.73 117.4 204.2
chi 276.4 442.8 677.6
gin 40.21 76.39 124.3
bunrouter 32.52 141.1 317.2
httptreemux 399.7 778.5 1518
beegomux 377.2 1446 3398
gorillamux 850.3 2423 5264
bon 186.5 269.6 364.4
denco 60.47 139.4 238.7
echo 39.36 99.6 175.7
gocraftweb 1181 1540 2280
gorouter 256.4 393 557.6
ozzorouting 43.66 99.52 150.4
techbook13-sample 380.7 1154 2150

Graph - nsop


bop pathparam-routes-1 pathparam-routes-5 pathparam-routes-10
goblin 409 962 1608
httprouter 32 160 320
chi 304 304 304
gin 0 0 0
bunrouter 0 0 0
httptreemux 680 904 1742
beegomux 672 672 1254
gorillamux 1024 1088 1751
bon 304 304 304
denco 32 160 320
echo 0 0 0
gocraftweb 656 944 1862
gorouter 360 488 648
ozzorouting 0 0 0
techbook13-sample 432 968 1792

Graph - bop


allocs pathparam-routes-1 pathparam-routes-5 pathparam-routes-10
goblin 6 13 19
httprouter 1 1 1
chi 2 2 2
gin 0 0 0
bunrouter 0 0 0
httptreemux 6 9 11
beegomux 5 5 6
gorillamux 8 8 9
bon 2 2 2
denco 1 1 1
echo 0 0 0
gocraftweb 9 12 14
gorouter 4 4 4
ozzorouting 0 0 0
techbook13-sample 10 33 59

Graph - allocs


It can be seen that the HTTP Router with better performance shows less performance degradation in each test case.
This seems to be a clear trend indicating that the implementations are optimized.

When examining some of the better performing HTTP Router implementations, we find that they employ a more sophisticated tree structure.
For example, Echo, gin, httprouter, bon, and chi use the Radix tree (Patricia trie), while denco uses a double array.

Regarding bmf-san/goblin, we found that it is a proprietary extension of the tri-tree, which is not very optimized and has poor performance compared to other HTTP Routers. (We will do our best to improve it...)

On the other hand, it seemed possible that the multifunctionality of some of the HTTP Routers that seemed to perform poorly may have reduced performance.

We felt that we could further obtain performance trends for each HTTP Router by adding test cases, which we will try to address if we have time.

Retry later

Top comments (1)

dennisping profile image
Dennis Ping

This benchmark article deserves more recognition. Very insightful!

Retry later
Retry later