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An Unintentionally Comprehensive Introduction to GitHub Actions CI

Tierney Cyren on September 30, 2019

We're currently approaching GitHub Actions v2 shipping publicly for everyone to use. I'm personally super excited about this because it means I don...
folgerfonseca profile image
Folger Fonseca β€’

Great job! I'll try to contribute a Java/kotlin to your GitHub templates repo.

danielltw profile image
Daniel Leong πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ β€’

Been using it for the last 4 working days.
This new Github Actions is really good and easy to use.

The only real issue that I have been working on is how repo A could trigger repo B actions as a downstream workflow.

Have found the repository_dispatch event, but the documentation for it has not been great.

danielltw profile image
Daniel Leong πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ β€’

For anyone seeking help on repository_dispatch, this gist that I have created should help.

gr2m profile image
Gregor Martynus β€’

Hello Tierney! Very nice introduction! I'm new here and I wonder if I can submit a typo fix for your post?

The single column table below "A simple matrix:" says "Node 19", I think you meant "Node 10"?

bnb profile image
Tierney Cyren β€’

AFAIK you can’t submit a possible fix, though that’s a good suggestion - cc @ben ❀️

I personally updated the matrix - thank you for pointing that out, @gr2m !

mateiadrielrafael profile image
Matei Adriel β€’ β€’ Edited

I've been using those basic features for some time, but how would you deploy to npm a lerna project & run the gh-pages cli?

bnb profile image
Tierney Cyren β€’

You'd have to build a different action to do that. You could be the first to write this, or – I'm sure – someone else will do this relatively soon after launch.

igorganapolsky profile image
Igor Ganapolsky β€’

Is this solution intended for Web development? Or is it for mobile dev - Android + iOS

bnb profile image
Tierney Cyren β€’

My specific YAML is for Node.js, but the actual platform itself – GitHub Actions CI – is agnostic. There are Windows, Linux, and macOS machines available (2 cores / 7gb ram / 14gb disk for all of them) so if those will suffice to build your applications, you should be good to go – you'll just want to work on templates that are more targeted toward your intended platform. There may already be some – check out the Actions org on GitHub, and the actions/starter-workflows repo for more resources.

deanlyoung profile image
Dean L. Young β€’

Very helpful!

FYI - the Yarn and pnpm links to sample code near the top are switched.

bnb profile image
Tierney Cyren β€’

Fixed, thank you!