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Tierney Cyren profile picture

Tierney Cyren

⬡.js. Does: Node.js, Electron, OpenJS Foundation, npm. Did: TC39. Is: twete expert. script kiddie. Stringly typed. Opinions mine. they/them. Demiboy.


Principal Developer Advocate at Twilio

Seven Year Club
Writing Debut
Six Year Club
Tag Moderator 2022
Trusted Member 2022
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
Top 7
4 Week Writing Streak
Two Year Club
Conditional Exports: Supporting both import and require()

Conditional Exports: Supporting both import and require()

Comments 2
3 min read

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Implicit ESM in Node.js with "type": "module"

Implicit ESM in Node.js with "type": "module"

2 min read
Explicit ESM in Node.js with .mjs

Explicit ESM in Node.js with .mjs

Comments 4
2 min read
The New npm diff Command

The New npm diff Command

6 min read
Markdown Link Checking in GitHub with Actions

Markdown Link Checking in GitHub with Actions

Comments 1
4 min read
Securely Automating npm publish with the New npm Automation Tokens

Securely Automating npm publish with the New npm Automation Tokens

Comments 5
3 min read
Jest and the `--changedSince` flag in GitHub Actions CI

Jest and the `--changedSince` flag in GitHub Actions CI

Comments 6
4 min read
An Unintentionally Comprehensive Introduction to GitHub Actions CI

An Unintentionally Comprehensive Introduction to GitHub Actions CI

Comments 11
11 min read
Discuss: GitHub Special Event

Discuss: GitHub Special Event

Comments 49
2 min read
What Makes Good Developer Tools... Good?

What Makes Good Developer Tools... Good?

Comments 12
1 min read
The Awesome Features that Just Landed with Node.js v12

The Awesome Features that Just Landed with Node.js v12

Comments 2
5 min read
Using npx and npm scripts to Reduce the Burden of Developer Tools

Using npx and npm scripts to Reduce the Burden of Developer Tools

Comments 10
3 min read
My 🔥 First Experience Attending TC39

My 🔥 First Experience Attending TC39

Comments 22
7 min read
Using npm's `ls` command for Fun and Insight

Using npm's `ls` command for Fun and Insight

Comments 14
4 min read
Community Bridge – community maintenance and funding for OSS?

Community Bridge – community maintenance and funding for OSS?

Comments 5
1 min read
Step by Step Express: Evolution of an App Beyond "Hello, World"

Step by Step Express: Evolution of an App Beyond "Hello, World"

Comments 13
1 min read
Start Contributing to Node.js in the New Year

Start Contributing to Node.js in the New Year

Comments 16
8 min read
Hi, I'm Tierney Cyren

Hi, I'm Tierney Cyren

1 min read