DEV Community

Discussion on: Command-line or GUI for dev tools? Some hate the command-line, really? Still?

bnb profile image
Tierney Cyren

I generally end up using npm init and npx on a daily basis to accomplish a lot of scaffolding for the many small projects I make.

The command I use most often:

  • npm init -y
    • I set up my global .npmrc with personal defaults so I can init a project like this with a single command rather than going through the interactive prompt
  • git init
    • I always end up creating a repo on GitHub and then copy/pasting the git remote/git push commands... always annoys me
  • npx gitignore node
    • Pulls down a Node.js .gitignore from the GitHub-maintained .gitginore repo
  • npx covgen
    • Sets up a Code of Conduct (specifically, the contributor covenant) and sets my email address as the point of contact
  • npx license mit > LICENSE
    • Spits out the text of the MIT license (which I have defined as a default license in my global .npmrc) and moves that output to a file called LICENSE
    • I've discovered this is important to be inclusive to people who work at bigger companies. I had a friend at Google that wanted to submit a PR to a project but decided not to because I didn't have an explicit LICENSE file with the license text.
dazeb profile image
Darren Bennett

this is the way