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Brian Neville-O'Neill
Brian Neville-O'Neill

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The essential guide for designing a production-ready, developer-friendly RESTful API

Written by Paramanantham Harrison✏️

Developers are the primary users of programming API. Often, we care about UI and UX for our product, but miss out on the importance of creating good UX for APIs.

It might not cause problems in the initial stages of product development, but once it gets consumed by multiple group of developers for different needs, it easily becomes a bottleneck to the speed of development and product execution.

In this post, we’re going to talk about how you can avoid this issue and make sure your API scales smoothly as the product grows.

We’ll discuss some of the best practices and guidelines to build better UX for API, especially the widely used RESTful API.

This is not a guide to say, ‘this is the best way to build REST API’. Every product has different requirements — these are general guidelines to give your REST API a better DX (developer experience).

Basics of REST API Design

You won’t make a good API by blindly following web standards. RESTful is a flexible architectural style for creating APIs. It doesn’t dictate how to do it — instead, it just tells you what you’ll need to keep in mind during design.

Here are some basic tips for REST API design:

  • Think in terms of Resources — not CRUD operations
  • Use proper HTTP verbs
  • Craft self-explanatory URLs
  • Send proper content types as headers
  • Use proper HTTP status codes
  • Handle errors properly and send error messages for client errors

In this post, we’re going to create a mock API for a job board along these guidelines.

Think in terms of resources

A REST API revolves around creating resources. Essentially, a resource is a logical splitting of your application.

It doesn’t need to be the same as your data models. Because you can use resources in multiple data models, it’s different than CRUD.

For example, in our job board, we can have multiple resources, some of which use multiple data models in their operations.

  • Jobs
  • Used data models: Jobs, Categories, Job types
  • Companies
  • Used data models: Companies, Users, Orders
  • Applications
  • Used data models: Applications, Users

Inside these resources, there will be multiple operations — not just CRUD for a data model. In the next section, we’ll explore how to use HTTP verbs and URLs to separate these operations.

HTTP verbs and URLs

lThere are several HTTP verbs – GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. All these HTTP verbs have specific functionality.

Along with these HTTP verbs, a resource can have multiple functionalities.

For example:

  • GET /jobs – Retrieves all the jobs
  • GET /jobs/1234– Retrieves a specific Job with the JobID 1234
  • POST /jobs– Creates a new Job listing
  • PUT /jobs/1234 – Updates the job with JobID 1234
  • DELETE /jobs/1234 – Deletes the job with JobID 1234
  • PATCH /jobs/1234 – Updates parts of job with JobID 1234. It is similar to PUT, but put updates the whole job, whereas PATCH updates specific parts of the Job data.

Better URL schema

A quick tip: don’t construct the URL like this:

  • POST /createJobs to create a job
  • GET /getAllJobs to fetch all the jobs
  • GET /getJobById to get a specific job with ID

This approach will work, and it’s also a REST API. There’s no rule saying you can’t use a REST API this way.

However, this approach doesn’t scale well.

It would be a nightmare for the developer using it, and they’d need to go through the documentation each time to check the URL schema needed for a specific operation.

I’d advise using a noun for resource URLs — not a verb. It’s easier for users to know the URL for updating and deletion by seeing it.

POST /jobs – Create a job

GET /jobs – Retrieve all jobs

Using this template for URLs will help developers easily understand that they need to send a delete request to /jobs/:id to delete a job.

Explicitly send the content type headers

Always send the default content types if they’re not specified explicitly in the URL.

Nowadays, JSON is the default content type and sends the header for the content type so users know what type of content the API URL returns.

Some of the content type headers include the following:

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content-Type: text/html
  • content-Type: application/xml

Handling nested resources with care

Resources often have a lot of relationships, so we might need to fetch those relations through nested resources. This can be tricky if the nested resources are not defined properly.

In our job board example, a job can have multiple applications. You can fetch those through the job resource itself.

For example:

  • GET /jobs/1234/applications – Get all applications for a specific jobID (1234)
  • GET /jobs/1234/applications/:123 – Get the specific application with applicationID (123) for the job with jobID (1234)
  • /companies/12345/applications – Get all applications for a specific company (12345).

Here you can see that both Jobs and Companies have a relation to the Applications resource.

In such cases, it’s inadvisable to create new applications through a nested resource.

Instead, retrieve through nested resources and create new applications through the Applications resource.

In other words, use POST /applications to create a new application, which will contain information about a specific job.

This is the most efficient approach under certain circumstances, but not all. Ultimately, it depends on the use case.

If the only direct connection for an application is jobs and not companies, then this approach will work. You can create an application for a job in POST /jobs/1234/applications.

Still, it’s always good to separate resources and avoid nesting as much as possible.

In general, try not to go deeper than one level of nesting and make sure to split into separate resources logically.

Support for filtering to avoid nested resources

In our use case, using filtering can help us to avoid nesting:

  • GET /applications?jobId=1234 – This will fetch all the applications for the specific job with ID
  • GET /applications?companyId=12345 – This will fetch all the applications for the specific company with ID

Filters can also be based on fields:

  • GET /jobs?jobType=Remote – This fetches the jobs with jobType: Remote
  • GET /jobs?categories=developers,designers,marketers – Filters can be an Array. In this case, it filters all the jobs within the categories developers, designers and marketers

Support for search

There are two types of search:

  • field based search
  • general search

General search can be passed as a query string with either q or search as the key.

For example: /jobs?q=searchterm

Field based searches are the same as filtering based on fields.

Some fields filter with exact matches, while others filter for partial regex-based matches.

For example: /jobs?title=marketing ninja . Here, we can search for jobs with the partial title of marketing ninja

Use proper HTTP status codes and use it consistently across the API

We all know what a specific HTTP status code means – 200, 4xx, 5xx, 302 etc.

We use those status codes to let the API consumer know exactly what has happened to process their request. Using it consistently is the key to a good API user experience.

It’s important to note that you don’t need to support all the HTTP status codes, but you should try to support the HTTP status codes that align with what your API needs.

You don’t want to send a Not found error with a status code of 200. It’s bad practice and confuses the user whether an error happened or not.

Here are some examples of HTTP status codes in the API:

  • GET, PUT, PATCH – 200 OK
  • POST – 201 Created
  • DELETE – 204 No content

The following are a few status codes for errors:

  • 400 – Bad request
  • 401 – Unauthorized
  • 404 – Not found
  • 429 – too many requests
  • 500 – Internal server error

Error messages and responses

It’s also a good idea to send the details of client errors in responses so the API user can show error details to their end user.

A sample response with a proper error response is as follows:

// A sample response
  errors: [{
    'status': 'InvalidError'
    'message': 'Invalid value for email',
    ... // Other details of the error
  }, {
    ... // Next error object
  data: {
  ... // Any data
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Asynchronous response

If an API action is doing an asynchronous operation in the background, send a response to the user immediately. Don’t wait for the process to end to send a response with the appropriate status code.

Usually, you’ll use 202 Accepted in this case. This doesn’t mean that the operation is complete — just that it’s been accepted.

Email triggers and extensive calculations are asynchronous operations.

Selecting fields: allow clients to fetch what they actually want

Allow your API users to select the fields they want. By default, send them all relevant data.

If the user explicitly asks for specific details, send only the requested details. That way your API will have the flexibility to send the exact data clients ask for.


  • GET /jobs?fields=id,title,description,jobType,categories – This exclusively displays the jobs within fields explicitly passed to the fields query string.

Expand the resource on demand

Data models have ID references for multiple models. If your response time is slow, don’t expand the object from multiple models by default when resolving resources.

For example, the following code snippet shows a jobs response with jobType and categories as IDs:

// GET /jobs
  title: 'Job title',
  description: 'Job description',
  jobType: 1233043949238923, // ID ref to jobType model
  categories: [ // ID ref to categories model
... // Job Objects
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Next, we’ll expand the jobType and Categories data using an explicit request: GET /jobs?expand=jobType,categories

// GET /jobs?expand=jobType,categories
  title: 'Job title',
  description: 'Job description',
  jobType: 'Remote', // Resolved from jobType model
  categories: [ // Resolved from categories model
      name: 'Front end developer' 
      name: 'React developer'
... // Job Objects
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Support sorting for more flexibility on the frontend

By default, every resources has a different sorting order. By extension, it’s better to provide API users with the flexibility to sort based on fields. It’s pretty easy to support responses in both ascending and descending order.

For example:

  • GET /jobs?sort=createdDate – This simply sorts the response by createdDate in ascending order
  • GET /jobs?sort=-createdDate – This sorts in reverse order (descending)
  • GET /jobs?sort=-createdDate,title – This sorts by multiple values (createdDate in descending order and title in ascending order)

You don’t need to follow the same convention, it completely depends on the framework you’re using. This is just a general example of how you can support sorting for your resources.

Use pagination wisely

For smaller resources, you don’t need to use paginations.

However, once the response exceeds a certain size, pagination comes to the rescue. Make your pagination implementation simple and explicit.

For example:

  • GET /jobs?page=2&size=10 – Here, page denotes the number of the page and ‘size’ denotes the limit for the number of jobs per page. In this example, page 2 contains jobs from 11-20.

In the response, we’ll send the API user the relevant page information along with the content:

// Sample paginated list example
    data: [
        ... // actual response data
    pageInfo: {
      currentPage: 2,
      hasNextPage: false,
      hasPrevPage: true,
      ... // Add any more pagination related information
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So far, we’ve covered the bare minimum concepts you’d need to know to create a REST API.

Now we’re going to switch gears and discuss some advanced concepts for creating a developer-friendly, production-ready RESTful API.

Use HATEOAS in the early stages of your API

Developers often hate HATEOAS, and not just because ‘hate’ is in the name itself. I’m not going to get into what HATEOAS is — I’m just going to tell you what it does.

HATEOAS is a way to explicitly send all related resource URLs to your endpoints. It allows consumers to easily navigate between your resources without having to build the URL themselves.

This is one of the main concepts behind RESTful APIs. It allows the API user to have an awareness of different operations on any given resource and its related resources.

For example:

GET /jobs – Gets all jobs.

Its response with HATEOAS looks like this:

// HATEOAS links are in the links section
  data: [{...job1}, {...job2}, {...job3}, ...],
  links: [
    // GET all applications
      "rel": "applications",
      "href": "",
      "action": "GET",
      "types": ["text/xml","application/json"]
      "rel": "jobs",
      "href": "",
      "action": "POST",
      "types": ["application/json"]
      "rel": "jobs",
      "href": "",
      "action": "DELETE",
      "types": []
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All related links are added onto the response itself. It helps the API user navigate between resources and different actions.

Authentication and Authorization

Always authenticate and authorize users before allowing them to complete any action that will alter the data.

You should also limit access to all sensitive information by protecting it behind an authorization wall. Only public information should be available to users who don’t complete the necessary authentication and authorization.

Here are some tips to keep in mind during authentication and authorization:

  • Implement RBAC (role based access control) and allow users to have multiple roles
  • Give granular permissions for each role and allow certain permissions at the user level as well
  • Always authenticate and then check whether the user is authorized to do the operation. If they are not authorized, send a 403 forbidden response.
  • If a user is not authenticated, send a 401 Unauthorized response
  • For invalid credentials, send a 401 Unauthorized response

API Security

Security is a broad topic. In the API level, the best practices are,

  • Always validate the request data
  • Follow reject first principle and only allow if the API request passes all the checks for particular endpoint
  • Don’t allow bulk operations over API without proper validations in place
  • Write integration tests and also few end to end tests to have confidence on the API operations

Versioning saves you when you need to make heavy changes to your API

An API is a contract between users and developers. When you make a significant change in the schema, it’s common to forget about the contract and break things for existing API clients.

This is where API versioning comes in.

For example:

  • GET /v1/jobs – Fetches version 1 of the API and sends the XML response
  • GET /v2/jobs – Sends the JSON response by default

This way, we won’t break the API for existing consumers. Instead, we can show a deprecating warning wherever necessary and ask existing users to onboard onto the new version of the API.

Versioning also helps you out in a few other ways:

  • It lets you release beta versions of your implementations
  • It gives your API users time to adapt to any changes

Some examples of widely-used versioning methods include number-based and date-based versioning.

Finally, versioning doesn’t need to be on the URL. Some APIs, like Github REST, pass versioning as custom headers:

Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json

  • v3 is REST API
  • v4 is github’s GraphQL API

Rate limit wherever necessary

Most APIs don’t call for rate limiting, but it can add some basic security to your API.

There are several levels of rate limiting:

  • Rate limit based on number of requests in a certain time period (window-based rate limiting). It gets reset automatically when the allotted time expires.
  • Rate limit based on credits, which users need to recharge to use again. If a user hasn’t charged their credits, they will receive an error message.
  • Send information about rate limiting through custom headers so clients known how many requests they have left within a window period or for their current credits.

This is how Github does rate limiting for their API:

curl -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 17:27:06 GMT
Status: 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 60
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 56
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1372700873
This way, you dont need to fetch from DB every time.
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Modern databases are optimized for read, so this may not always be necessary. Still, caching wherever possible can help to improve the read speed.

While caching is valuable, it adds an additional level of complexity to your API since you need to bust and recache whenever there is a change in data.

If the data hasn’t changed, the server should return 304 Not Modified. This response will show your browser client that the data hasn’t changed and prompt the server to reuse old data it fetched previously.

Implementing CORS

CORS allows cross-domain access to the API. Most applications just need to whitelist certain domains to allow CORS from those domains.

For public APIs, you may need to allow anyone to fetch the data if they have the proper authentication key set. In such cases, implement CORS to allow all domains and start blacklisting domains if they seem suspicious.

Logging will rescue you when you’re in trouble

Logging is an integral part of developing any web platform. The same is true for APIs —we need to segregate logs based on priority (errors, info, warnings.)

Proper logging and separation will expedite debugging later when errors and security issues arise.

Keep these tips in mind to ensure your logs are as efficient as possible:

  • Try to follow some standards in logging (example: JSON logs). Using frameworks for logging will help to promote standardization and save you a lot of time in the long run.
  • Try to create alerts and analysis patterns on the logs to identify issues
  • Don’t escalate all errors in the same priority range. Check how many users are affected and how big the issue is before classifying each error by priority within your API. Logging should help to identify these patterns.
  • Make sure to log all the requests, sessions, and details about the origin of requests so that you can evaluate any security-related issues

Monitoring setup

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when monitoring setup:

  • Invest in a good monitoring setup
  • Display status pages for your API
  • Make sure your support is easily accessible. It’s also a good idea to have follow-ups available through Twitter — this saves a lot of time for people who want to look up answers for simple questions they may have.
  • Monitor response times
  • Check slow queries and try to optimize them

API documentation for fellow developers

When developing API documentation for developers, it’s important to make sure everything is up to date:

  • Update the API documentation along with your pull requests and include version control for the documentation if possible
  • Document the small decisions made while developing the API and add those in the release descriptions. This ensures everyone working on the same API knows the reasoning behind each decision. It also helps teams work autonomously.

Postman collections and Swagger API documentation are good examples of developer docs.

Documentation for consumers

The public API documentation is as follows:

  • Be crisp about your resources
  • Show details about the limits and how not to abuse the API
  • API playground will enhance the experience and also help to test the feature directly without complex setup
  • Show warnings wherever necessary

If you want to read up on good API documentations, check out these sources:

Choose the right framework and don’t do everything on your own

You can apply this last piece of advice to any development project you’re working on, including API development.

In general, it’s easier to reuse open source frameworks to build a solid API for consumers rather than reinvent the wheel.


This guide serves as a jumping-off point for building a great API user experience.

In many cases, we just need to build a quick API that may not be used by the general public.

Make sure to access the users for your API, implement only what is necessary for the current level of product, and then scale things as needed. Premature optimization is never a good idea.

Feel free to share your insights and experiences with building APIs in the comments.

Editor's note: Seeing something wrong with this post? You can find the correct version here.

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The post The essential guide for designing a production-ready, developer-friendly RESTful API appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

Top comments (2)

monfernape profile image
Usman Khalil

It was extremely helpful.

stefanpavlovic94 profile image
Stefan Pavlovic

Great post, really helpful. Keep up the good work.