DEV Community

Boniface Mwangi
Boniface Mwangi

Posted on


1.Have passion

does is excite you?
Is it exciting career to pursue?
how will it affect your family and their life?
build projects
3.What interest you?
do you prefer logic,problem solving - back-end developer
design and view - front-end developer
4.Create Action plan
this include budget plan and what to start learning and how long...that start from html fundamentals to the level you want to achieve
....sacrifice and promise what you can achieve
remove unnecessary time to create time to learn
this makes you to work and schedule your progress in good way
7.Be in social media and create connection

  1. Create a portfolio site 9.Contribute to open source projects passion for what you do,build skills 10.Be stubborn to find solution yourself rather than getting help first 11.focus on technical muscles to build yourself work smart
  2. focus on what you know best. ....what do you do with what you know? 13.Update what you know,always learn to get updated 14.Requirement are a wish you can do a majority of the work and that you are quick to learn dropout who can deliver is far better than a professor who can't 15.Know your value...measurable value when applying job or developing software for clients 16.Avoid social life destruct ions when learning 17.Learn more skills like negotiation,communication skills, social skills 18.Interact with other online 19.Be in meetups and socialize
  3. always ask yourself if things are working on your life
  4. Never give up...many who succeeded are past failures

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