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Cover image for Cycles while and for in JS, help me!
Brenda Limón
Brenda Limón

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Cycles while and for in JS, help me!

Hi! I'm trying to learn how to draw in Canvas, as an exercise to learn about cycles in JS, the exercise is that we have to use while to create a cycle and draw this:

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Everything was okay, my code is like this:

**var d= document.getElementById("dibujito");**
**var lienzo= d.getContext("2d");**
**var lineas = 30;**
**var l = 0;**
**var yi, xf;**
**var colorcito = "pink";**

**while(l < lineas)**
 ** yi = 10 * l;**
  **xf = 10 * (l+1);**
  **dibujarLinea(colorcito, 0,yi,xf,300);**
  **console.log("Linea " + l)**
  **l = l + 1;**


**function dibujarLinea(color,xinicial,yinicial,xfinal,yfinal)**
  **lienzo.strokeStyle = color;**
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But the problem comes when I have to turn the draw like this with for

Alt text of image

I just don't understand how to use for, I've already tried to make the code work but I can't, can you explain to me how to make it work? Thanks!

Hugs & Husky love!🐶👩🏻‍💻

Top comments (16)

chrisdsaldivar profile image
Chris Saldivar • Edited

Loops are always a bit tricky so I like to show my students three basic rules for loops.

  1. Initialize a loop control variable (Used to start and stop the loop)

  2. Write a test condition (Otherwise how will the loop know when to exit)

  3. Update the loop control variable (Without this we'll have an infinite loop)

I've copied the relevant section of your code below and added comments:

var l = 0;               // 1. Setup the loop control variable

while (l < lineas) {     // 2. The test condition that will start/stop the loop
    yi = 10 * l;
    xf = 10 * (l + 1);
    dibujarLinea(colorcito, 0, yi, xf, 300);
    console.log("Linea " + l)
    l = l + 1;           // 3. Update the loop control variable

A for loop is a control structure that allows us to perform all three steps on a single line. It really doesn't add much more functionality than a while loop does since you can simulate a for loop by writing code that way you did for the first drawing. You can achieve the same results as the code above with the following for loop:

//   1. init      2. test   3. update
for (let l = 0; l < lineas; l++){
    yi = 10 * l;
    xf = 10 * (l + 1);
    dibujarLinea(colorcito, 0, yi, xf, 300);
    console.log("Linea " + l)

I hope this clears things up! Also can I ask where that tutorial is from?

brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

Thanks Chris! You’re a great teacher! It’s a course of Platzi, a YC startup that teaches programming in Spanish is if you wanna check it :)
Thanks a lot lot lot a thousand lot! 🤗🤗

chrisdsaldivar profile image
Chris Saldivar

Glad I could be of help! I'm actually not a teacher, I was an undergrad teaching assistant for 2 years and then a grad assistant for the past 3 semesters. I just quit begin a GA for my last year of grad school because I'm making an online course for learning web development called Let's Learn: Fullstack. However, it's aimed at people that have a familiarity with web development and I'd like for it to be accessible to beginners. So, I'm working on a primer course that covers the fundamentals of web development.

Good luck on your web development journey!

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brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

When your course is ready let me know! I'll like to take it! :D

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chrisdsaldivar profile image
Chris Saldivar

Awesome I'll be sure to!

alchermd profile image
John Alcher
var d = document.getElementById("dibujito");
var lienzo = d.getContext("2d");
var lineas = 30;
var l = 0;
var yi, xf;
var colorcito = "pink";

while (l < lineas) {
    yi = 10 * l;
    xf = 10 * (l + 1);
    dibujarLinea(colorcito, 0, yi, xf, 300);
    console.log("Linea " + l)
    l = l + 1;

dibujarLinea(colorcito, 299, 1, 299, 299);
dibujarLinea(colorcito, 1, 1, 299, 1);
dibujarLinea(colorcito, 1, 1, 1, 299);
dibujarLinea(colorcito, 1, 299, 299, 299);

function dibujarLinea(color, xinicial, yinicial, xfinal, yfinal) {
    lienzo.strokeStyle = color;
    lienzo.moveTo(xinicial, yinicial);
    lienzo.lineTo(xfinal, yfinal);

Formatted your code. You can enclose your code in triple backticks (`) so it's easier to read

brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

Thanks a lot! :)

straightupcode profile image
Roberto Sanchez • Edited

The for loop works like this: initial value, condition to keep the loop going, increment

for(let i = 0 ; i<30;i++){
    yi = 10 * i;
    xf = 10 * (i + 1);
    dibujarLinea(colorcito, 300, yi, xf, 0);
    console.log("Linea " + i)
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brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

Oooo this looks so easy! Thanks a lot!!! 🐶🤗

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

You're welcome! Coming from a country with Spanish heritage, I can kinda infer what your code does. But it would be really nice if you name your variables in English to get better feedback.

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brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

You know, I haven’t thought about it, but your right!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Hi there. I don't have anything to say right now about the point of your post (sorry) but could I suggest/ask that you don't use l as a variable name? On (and probably in most people's editors) it looks identical to the number 1.

brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

Thanks Ben! As a beginner, this kind of comments help me to not get in trouble in my code, I appreciate it :D

_emirmed profile image
Emir Medina

Hey Brenda, that's a Platzi exercise, right? Freddy is a good teacher.

Greetings from Mexico ;)

brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

Yes, it is! :D did you took the course?

_emirmed profile image
Emir Medina

Yes, but I still don't finish the course.