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Flutter Development (Day: 1).

  • In this post we are going to talk about Dart programming.
  • Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language.
  • Dart is an object-oriented language with C-style syntax which can optionally trans compile into JavaScript. It supports a varied range of programming aids like interfaces, classes, collections, generics, and optional typing.
  • Dart is the programming language which is used to access all the methods in Flutter SDK.
  • In this post I am going to explain the basics of Dart. You don't need to master in Dart the basics is enough to get started.
  • You can practice the dart here.
  • Dart is similar to Java script and Java. The program starts with main() function.
void main(){
print("Hello Dart")
<!-- Both are same -
void main() => print("Hello Dart")
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  • (=>) Arrow Funtion lets us make things easier.When your returning a single method or statement you don't need to wrap it with in curly braces and you can avoid using return statement as above.
  • Arrow functions are a concise mechanism to represent functions. These functions are also called as Lambda functions.

Dart consists of

  • Variables and Operators
  • Classes
  • Functions
  • Expressions and Programming Constructs
  • Decision Making and Looping Constructs
  • Comments
  • Libraries and Packages


// this is single line comment

/* This is a
   Multi-line comment
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Numbers => Integer(int),Double(double).
Strings => String.
Booleans => Boolean(bool).
Lists => List.
Maps => Map.
Dynamic => Dynamic(dynamic).


 is also a data type we can assign any data type to `var` by default it assigns `String`.

void main() {
   var name = "Flutter Dart";
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 Flutter Dart

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  • The const keyword is used to represent a compile-time constant. Variables declared using the const keyword are implicitly final.


void main(){
  int a = 10;
  int b = 10;

  print("Addition of $a and $b: ${a+b}");
  print("Subtraction of $a and $b: ${a-b}");
  print("Multiplication of $a and $b: ${a*b}");
  print("Division of $a and $b: ${a/b}");

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Addition of 10 and 10: 20
Subtraction of 10 and 10: 0
Multiplication of 10 and 10: 100
Division of 10 and 10: 1
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  • Here We can directly print the value of the variable by using $ for one value and for expression we use ${} known as string Interpolation

Decision Making

  • if
  • if else
  • else if
  • switch case
void main() {
   var a = 52;
   if(a > 0) {
      print("$a is positive");
   else if(a < 0) {
      print("$a is negative");
   } else {
      print("$a is neither positive nor negative");

   // Switch case

   var name = "Ramu";
   switch(name) {
      case "Kumar": {  print("Welcome $name"); }

      case "Indhu": {   print("Welcome $name"); }

      case "Ramu": {  print("Welcome $name"); }

      default: { print("Welcome Guest"); }
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52 is positive
Welcome Ramu.
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// For Loop
 for (var i = 0;i<4;i++){
    print("Value of i is $i");
  // While Loop
  var i = 0;
  // Do while loop
  var i1 = 0;

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// For Loop

Value of i is 0
Value of i is 1
Value of i is 2
Value of i is 3

// While Loop

Value of i is 0
Value of i is 1
Value of i is 2
Value of i is 3

// Do while loop

Value of i is 0
Value of i is 1
Value of i is 2
Value of i is 3

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Lists and Map

  • Lists in some of the programming languages it is also called Arrays both are same plays a crucial role in order to store a large amount of data in the form of Lists.

  • The Map object is a simple key/value pair. Keys and values in a map may be of any type. A Map is a dynamic collection. In other words, Maps can grow and shrink at run time.

// List

  var list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

//Assigning values dynamically to list

  var list1 = List(2);
  list1[0] = 'Ramu';
  list1[1] = 'Kumar';


  var dict = {'Username':'Ramu','Password':'1111'};
  var dict1 = {};
  dict1['1'] = 'Ramu';
  dict1['20'] = 'Kumar';

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[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[Ramu, Kumar]


{Username: tom, Password: pass@123}
{1: Ramu, 20: Kumar}

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  • Functions are the building blocks of readable, maintainable, and reusable code. A function is a set of statements to perform a specific task step by step. Functions organize the program into logical blocks of code.
void showMyName(String name){
    print("Welcome $name");
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Welcome Ramu.
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Factorial of a given number:

void main() => print(factorial(3));

      return 1;
      return num = factorial(num-1) * num;
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OOPS (Object Oriented Programming)

  • Dart is an object-oriented language. It supports object-oriented programming features like classes, interfaces, etc.
  • A class in terms of OOP is a blueprint for creating objects. A class encapsulates data for the object. Dart gives built-in support for this concept called class.
void main() {
  Name n1 =  Name("Bugudi","Ramu");

class Name {
  Name(String firstName,String lastName) {
    print("Welcome $firstName $lastName");
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Welcome Bugudi Ramu
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  • Here we have declared a class with the help of class keyword and given Name as class name.
  • A constructor is a special function of the class that is responsible for initializing the variables of the class.
  • Then we created a constructor Name(String firstName,String lastName){} which takes two parameters firstName and lastName.Then we printed the message to console.
  • In the main() method we instantiated n1 object for Name class and passed the required two parameters.

I think this knowledge is more than enough to get started with Flutter.From the next tutorial onwards we are going to dive deep to learn core Flutter Framework.See you guys!

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