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Most asked HTML interview questions

What is HTML, and how does it differ from other web technologies like CSS and JavaScript?

  • HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It structures the web page.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): It styles the elements created with HTML.
  • JavaScript: It adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages.

Explain the structure of an HTML document.

The structure of an HTML document consists of the following essential elements:

  1. Document Type Declaration (DTD): Specifies the version of HTML being used.

  2. HTML Element: The root element that encapsulates the entire document.

  3. Head Element: Contains metadata like the page title and links to external resources (e.g., stylesheets).

  4. Title Element: Sets the title of the web page, which appears in the browser's title bar or tab.

  5. Body Element: Contains the visible content of the web page, including text, images, links, and other elements.

Here's a simple example of the structure in HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Interview Questions</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
    <h1>Welcome to HTML Interview Questions Article</h1>
    <a href="#">click here</a>
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In this example, the document starts with a declaration, follows the HTML structure, and includes a title and content within the head and body elements.

What is the purpose of a DOCTYPE declaration in HTML, and do you need it in modern HTML documents?

The DOCTYPE declaration in HTML serves to specify the document type and version of HTML used, ensuring proper rendering by browsers. While not mandatory in modern HTML, it's advisable for consistent compatibility.

What are the differences between HTML4 and HTML5?

Complex DOCTYPE declaration required. Simplified DOCTYPE declaration.
Limited structural elements. New structural elements like <header>, <nav>, <footer>, and <article>.
Relied on third-party plugins for audio and video (e.g., Flash). Native support for <audio> and <video> elements.
No native support for drawing graphics. Introduces <canvas> for drawing graphics and supports SVG.
Limited input types and form features. New input types and attributes, as well as the <datalist> element.
No local storage options. Introduces localStorage and sessionStorage for local data storage.
No geolocation support. Supports geolocation, allowing access to the user's location.
Limited offline capabilities. Provides Application Cache and Service Worker for offline applications.
Limited cross-document communication options. Introduces postMessage API for secure communication between windows or frames.
Less semantic elements. Includes new semantic elements like <section>, <aside>, and <details>.
Limited JavaScript APIs. Includes various JavaScript APIs for enhanced web application functionality.

What is the semantic meaning of HTML5 structural elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, and <footer>?

HTML5 structural elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, and <footer> provide a clear and meaningful structure to web content:

  • <header>: Defines the introductory section of a webpage with elements like logos and navigation.

  • <nav>: Specifies a section for navigation links within a webpage.

  • <section>: Separates content into thematic sections, aiding organization.

  • <article>: Represents a self-contained piece of content like blog posts or articles.

  • <footer>: Located at the bottom of a webpage, it contains copyright and contact information.

What is the purpose of the tag in HTML, and what are some common attributes used with it?

The <meta> tag in HTML provides essential metadata for web documents. Common attributes include:

  • charset: Defines character encoding, e.g., <meta charset="UTF-8">.
  • name and content: Used for metadata like authorship, such as <meta name="author" content="John Doe">.
  • http-equiv: Sets HTTP response headers, like `.
  • viewport: Specifies the viewport for responsive design, e.g., `.

These attributes aid in proper page rendering and SEO optimization.

Explain the difference between <div> and <span> in HTML and when to use each.

Element Purpose Display Usage
<div> Group and style larger content sections or layouts. Block-level, typically starts on a new line. Used for structuring and organizing content.
<span> Style or modify smaller portions of text or content within an element. Inline, does not create new lines. Used for inline styling or changes to specific parts of content.

What is the difference between an HTML element's id and class attributes?

In HTML, the "id" attribute is a unique identifier for an element, and it can only be used once on a page. It's often used for specific styling or JavaScript targeting. On the other hand, the "class" attribute can be used multiple times on various elements, allowing you to apply the same styling or behavior to multiple elements. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Interview Questions</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
    <p id="unique-paragraph">This is a unique paragraph.</p>
    <p class="common-paragraph">This is a common paragraph.</p>
    <p class="common-paragraph">Another common paragraph.</p>
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In this example, the "id" attribute is unique to the first paragraph, while the "class" attribute is applied to the second and third paragraphs.

How can you embed multimedia elements in HTML, and what are the primary multimedia elements in HTML5?

You can embed multimedia in HTML using the <audio>, <video>, and <img> tags in HTML5. These tags allow you to include audio, video, and images on your web page. Simply specify the source file using the "src" attribute.

- Audio: <audio src="audio.mp3" controls></audio>
- Video: <video src="video.mp4" controls></video>
- Image: <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description">
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Note: These elements are part of the HTML5 specification and make it easy to add multimedia to your web pages.

Explain the importance of accessibility in web development and how you can make a web page more accessible using HTML.

Accessibility in web development is crucial because it ensures that websites can be used by all individuals, including those with disabilities. To make a web page more accessible using HTML, you can:

  1. Use semantic HTML elements like headings, lists, and links to provide structure and context.

  2. Provide alternative text for images and captions for multimedia content.

  3. Use proper form labels and input elements with clear instructions.

  4. Ensure proper color contrast for text and background.

  5. Implement keyboard navigation and focus styles for interactive elements.

What is the alt attribute in HTML, and why is it important for images?

The alt attribute in HTML provides alternative text for images, making web content accessible to visually impaired users by describing the image's content and purpose.

What is an HTML form, and how do you create one? Explain various input types in HTML5.

  • HTML Form: It collects and transmits user data and is created using <form>.
  • Input Types in HTML5: They include text, password, email, number, date, radio, and checkbox for various data inputs.

What is the purpose of the iframe element, and what are its potential use cases?

  • The <iframe> element is used for embedding external web content within a current web page.
  • It facilitates the integration of various external elements like videos, maps, and widgets.
  • Common use cases include embedding YouTube videos, displaying Google Maps, and incorporating external forms.
  • <iframe> enables the seamless integration of external content into a website.

What are HTML data attributes (data-*), and how can they be used in web development?

HTML data attributes (data-*) store custom data on elements for web development, allowing you to enhance functionality, style, and select elements.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Interview Questions</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
    <button data-product-id="12345">Add to Cart</button>
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Explain the concept of HTML entities and provide examples of when and why they are used.

  • HTML entities are codes in HTML represented as "&" followed by a code and a semicolon, used to display characters with special meanings or symbols.
  • They prevent reserved characters like "<" and ">" from being treated as HTML tags.
  • HTML entities are also used to display special characters that may not be readily available on a keyboard.
  • They ensure correct rendering of characters in web pages, preserving their intended visual representation.

What is the difference between inline and block-level elements in HTML, and can you provide examples of each?

HTML Inline vs. Block-Level Elements

In HTML, inline elements flow within the content, while block-level elements create distinct blocks. Inline elements do not start on a new line and only occupy as much width as necessary, like the <span> tag. Block-level elements, on the other hand, begin on a new line and take up the full width of their parent container, like the <div> tag.

Here are examples of each:

Inline Element Example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Interview Questions</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
    This is an <span style="color: blue;">inline</span> element within a
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Block-Level Element Example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Interview Questions</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
    <div style="background-color: lightgray; padding: 10px;">
      This is a block-level element that starts on a new line and occupies the
      entire width.
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How does the browser render an HTML document, and what is the Document Object Model (DOM)?

  • Browser rendering of HTML involves fetching content and creating a Document Object Model (DOM).
  • The DOM is a hierarchical tree structure that represents the document's elements and their relationships.
  • The browser uses the DOM to render and display the webpage as per HTML and CSS specifications.
  • The DOM serves as an interface for scripts to access and manipulate the document's content, making it essential for web development.

What are HTML5 Web Storage and how are they different from cookies?

HTML5 Web Storage and cookies serve as data storage mechanisms, but they differ in key aspects:

  1. Capacity:
  • Web Storage: Holds around 5-10 MB per domain.
  • Cookies: Limited to 4 KB per cookie, with 20-50 cookies per domain.
  1. Data Type:
  • Web Storage: Stores key-value pairs, accommodating strings, numbers, and objects.
  • Cookies: Mainly store text data as strings.
  1. Accessibility:
  • Web Storage: Fast client-side access.
  • Cookies: Slow due to server-side transmission with each HTTP request.
  1. Expiry:
  • Web Storage: Data remains until explicitly removed or browser data is cleared.
  • Cookies: Can expire at a predefined time.
  1. Security:
    • Web Storage: Enhanced security, limited by the same-origin policy.
    • Cookies: Vulnerable to security risks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

For example, Web Storage can store user preferences for a web app, while cookies are ideal for retaining a user's login status.

Explain the concept of cross-site scripting (XSS) and how to prevent it when working with user-generated content in HTML.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Overview:

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker injects malicious code into a website, which is then executed by unsuspecting users. This code can steal sensitive data, such as login credentials, or manipulate the user's interactions with the site.

Preventing XSS with User-Generated Content in HTML using Node.js:

To prevent XSS when handling user-generated content in HTML with Node.js, follow these steps:

  1. Input Validation: Use a library like xss to sanitize and validate user input to ensure it contains only safe characters and follows the expected format.


import { Controller, Post, Body } from "@nestjs/common";
import * as xss from "xss";

export class XssPreventionController {
  inputValidation(@Body("userInput") userInput: string) {
    const sanitizedInput = xss(userInput);
    return `Sanitized Input: ${sanitizedInput}`;
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  1. Output Encoding: Encode user-generated content when displaying it in HTML using a library like html-entities.


import { Controller, Post, Body } from "@nestjs/common";
import { AllHtmlEntities } from "html-entities";

export class XssPreventionController {
  outputEncoding(@Body("userContent") userContent: string) {
    const entities = new AllHtmlEntities();
    const encodedContent = entities.encode(userContent);
    return `Encoded Content: ${encodedContent}`;
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  1. Content Security Policy (CSP): Implement CSP headers in your Node.js application to restrict the sources of executable scripts, reducing the risk of malicious code execution.

Example (using the helmet-csp middleware):

import * as helmet from "helmet";

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

      directives: {
        defaultSrc: ["'self'"],
        scriptSrc: ["'self'", ""],

  await app.listen(3000);
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  1. Use HTTP-Only Cookies: Mark cookies as HTTP-only to prevent JavaScript from accessing them, making it harder for attackers to steal session data.

Example (with the cookie-session package):

import * as cookieSession from "cookie-session";

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

      name: "session",
      keys: ["your-secret-key"],
      httpOnly: true,

  await app.listen(3000);
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By following these steps in your Node.js application, you can enhance your website's security and protect it from XSS attacks when working with user-generated content in HTML.

How does the rel attribute work in HTML links, and what are some common values for it?

In HTML, the rel attribute is used in links to specify the relationship between the current document and the linked document. It helps browsers and search engines understand the purpose of the link. Common rel attribute values include:

  • rel="stylesheet": Indicates that the linked document is a stylesheet.
  • rel="nofollow": Suggests search engines not to follow the link for ranking purposes.
  • rel="noopener": Advises the browser to open the linked page in a new tab without the window.opener relationship, enhancing security.
  • rel="canonical": Used to specify the preferred version of a page for search engines in cases of duplicate content.
  • rel="alternate": For indicating alternate language versions of a page, useful for internationalization.
  • rel="author": Links to the author's profile or page, often seen in blog posts or articles.
  • rel="prev" and rel="next": Used in pagination to connect a series of pages.

These rel values provide context and instructions for how the linked content should be handled.

Describe the difference between <script>, <script async> and <script defer>?

Certainly, here's the difference between <script>, <script async>, and <script defer> in bullet points:

  • <script>: May slow down page rendering as it blocks other page elements until the script is executed.
  • <script async>: Allows the browser to fetch and execute the script without waiting, potentially out of order with other page elements.
  • <script defer>: Fetches the script without blocking rendering and ensures it executes in order just before the DOMContentLoaded event.

Why is it generally a good idea to position CSS <link>s between <head></head> and JS <script>s just before </body>? Do you know any exceptions?

  • CSS <link> elements go between <head> tags for early style loading.
  • JavaScript <script> elements go just before </body> to avoid blocking rendering.
  • This setup improves page loading and user experience.
  • Exceptions may apply when specific script/style loading order is necessary or when performance optimization techniques are used.

What is progressive rendering?

Progressive rendering is a web development technique that displays web content as it loads, improving user experience by showing parts of a page incrementally. For example, when you visit a news website, the text and images at the top of the article may load first, allowing you to start reading while the rest of the page continues to load in the background.

Here's a simple example using lazy loading for images in HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Interview Questions</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
    <h1>Welcome to Our Website</h1>
    <p>This is some introductory text.</p>

    <!-- Lazy load the image -->
      alt="Main Image"

    <p>More content that will be displayed as the image loads.</p>
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In this example, the loading="lazy" attribute is added to the <img> element. This tells the browser to load the image ("main-image.jpg") lazily, meaning it will only load and display the image when it's in the user's viewport, enhancing the progressive rendering experience. As the user scrolls down the page, the image will load and appear when it's needed, creating a smoother and more user-friendly browsing experience.

Thank you for reading this far; your support means a lot! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments. Don't forget to like and share the article โ€“ your appreciation is highly valued. Your feedback and suggestions are also more than welcome. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

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