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The rise of micro-frontends: Breaking down the monolith in frontend development

You've heard of microservices, but have you heard of micro-frontends? If not, buckle up—this concept is changing the game in frontend development, making it easier to manage large and complex applications.

What are micro-frontends?

Micro-frontends extend the microservices architecture to the frontend realm. In a nutshell, they break down large frontend applications into smaller, manageable pieces, each responsible for a specific feature or set of features.

Why use micro-frontends?

  1. Scalability: With micro-frontends, you can easily scale specific features without affecting the entire application.
  2. Flexibility: This approach allows you to use multiple technologies, enabling your team to choose the best tool for each job.
  3. Independence: Teams can work on different features concurrently, accelerating the development cycle.

Key Principles


Each micro-frontend should be a standalone unit, developed, tested, and deployed independently.


These isolated units are then composed into a unified frontend. You can even employ various composition techniques like server-side includes or client-side orchestration.


Micro-frontends should communicate with each other and the backend services via well-defined APIs, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Components and modules can be reused across multiple micro-frontends, promoting DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles.


  • Coordination: With more independence comes the need for better coordination between teams.
  • Consistency: Maintaining a unified user experience can be difficult.


Micro-frontends offer an effective way to manage the complexity of large frontend applications. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution but, in the right context, it can bring significant advantages.

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