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James Batista
James Batista

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The Debate on Libraries vs. Native JavaScript: What’s Best for Your Project?

The landscape of web development is ever-evolving, with new frameworks and libraries springing up at a dizzying pace (especially this year). A fundamental debate persists: should developers use JavaScript libraries and frameworks, or stick to native JavaScript (also known as Vanilla JavaScript)? The answer is nuanced and heavily depends on the project's requirements, the team's expertise, and the long-term maintenance plans.

The Case for Libraries and Frameworks

Libraries like jQuery and frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js have gained immense popularity for several reasons:

Libraries provide a layer of abstraction, simplifying complex operations. For instance, jQuery introduced a simplified syntax for DOM manipulation, event handling, and animation long before these features were easily manageable in native JavaScript. Abstraction is a cornerstone of modern software development, and it plays a pivotal role in the context of libraries and frameworks. When we talk about abstraction in web development, we're referring to the process of hiding the complex, low-level operations behind simpler, high-level interfaces. This not only facilitates ease of use but also enhances developer productivity and code maintainability.

For example....
Consider the task of DOM manipulation. In vanilla JavaScript, even a simple operation can require verbose and repetitive code. Libraries like jQuery abstract these complexities into concise, readable methods. What might take multiple lines of JavaScript can often be reduced to a one-liner with jQuery, like $('#element').hide(), which instantly makes an element disappear on the page.

This ease of use encourages cleaner code, as developers can express their intentions directly and succinctly.

Frameworks take abstraction a step further by providing developers with a toolkit of pre-designed components and utilities, each tailored for common tasks. For instance, React abstracts the boilerplate associated with component state management and re-rendering, allowing developers to define a component's structure and behavior in a declarative manner with JSX:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function ToggleButton() {
  // useState hook abstracts away the complexity of state management
  const [isToggled, setIsToggled] = useState(false);

  // Handler function using the abstracted state setter
  const toggle = () => {

  // JSX abstracts away the direct DOM manipulation, allowing declarative UI definitions
  return (
    <button onClick={toggle}>
      {isToggled ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}

export default ToggleButton;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This way, they can focus on designing the application's architecture rather than getting bogged down by the details of implementation. By using React and JSX, developers can build complex interfaces with simple, readable, and maintainable components without dealing directly with the more verbose and imperative APIs for manipulating the DOM and managing state.

Abstraction also promotes consistency in coding practices. Frameworks come with their own set of conventions and best practices, guiding developers towards writing code that is not only consistent within the project but also aligns with the wider ecosystem. This standardization is immensely beneficial for team collaboration, as it reduces the cognitive load of understanding each other's code and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Reducing the Learning Curve
For newcomers, starting with a framework or library can be less daunting than diving straight into native JavaScript. The abstraction layer provides a controlled environment where they can learn important concepts without being overwhelmed by the intricacies of the language. This can be particularly empowering for those who are transitioning from other disciplines or are new to programming altogether.

Learning Curve

Community Support and Resources

The vitality of a development technology can often be measured by the vibrancy of its community. For popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, their extensive and active communities have become ecosystems brimming with resources.

Well-maintained documentation is the bedrock of a thriving developer community. High-quality guides, tutorials, and API references are essential for both new and experienced developers to learn and master the framework. For instance, React’s official documentation serves as a comprehensive resource that is continually updated to reflect the latest features and best practices.

The community also contributes by creating a vast array of third-party extensions and plugins. These can range from UI component libraries to debugging tools, all aimed at extending the capabilities of the framework and simplifying development tasks. Regularly held events, meetups, and conferences foster a sense of belonging among community members. They offer opportunities for networking, mentorship, and the sharing of innovative ideas.

The Diversity of Cliques within the Ecosystem

The landscape is not monolithic; within the larger community, there are sub-communities or "cliques" that form around particular ideologies, preferences, or objectives. Some advocate for strict adherence to the framework's original philosophies, while others push the boundaries, applying the framework in unconventional ways.

While some cliques gain popularity due to their evangelism of trendy, cutting-edge practices, others maintain a low profile, focusing on practicality and stability. This diversity can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it nurtures innovation and choice. On the other, it can lead to fragmentation and the propagation of conflicting patterns and practices.

The sheer volume of available resources and tools is staggering, but quantity does not always equate to quality. Discernment becomes key; developers must navigate this landscape with a critical eye, evaluating the credibility and sustainability of the resources they choose to adopt.

Trial and Error in Framework Adoption

The dynamic nature of the web development ecosystem means that new frameworks and libraries are constantly emerging. Each promises to solve specific problems or to do so in more efficient ways. This environment creates a trial and error game where developers must assess the merits of new tools, often relying on community feedback and their own testing. It's a balance of risk and reward; early adoption can lead to early advantages but also potential pitfalls if the framework does not mature as hoped. This can almost be considered a superhero skill, to be honest... which leads me to our alternative....

--- Fresh Vanilla JS ---


The Case for Vanilla JavaScript

On the other hand, native JavaScript offers its own unique benefits that are quite persuasive. Here are four notable examples:

1.Performance Optimization-
Native JavaScript typically delivers superior performance. It's devoid of the extra abstraction layer that frameworks impose, which can result in faster load times and a more responsive user experience.

2.Granular Control
Native JavaScript offers developers complete control over the functionality and allows for more detailed optimization opportunities, which can be critical for certain applications.

3.Fundamental Proficiency
Working directly with native JavaScript enhances a developer's understanding of the language and the web platform itself, fostering better problem-solving skills and a deeper knowledge of web fundamentals.

4.Evolution of Browser Capabilities
Modern browsers have evolved to include much of the functionality previously only accessible through libraries. Developers can now leverage these native features without the need for additional overhead.

While frameworks and libraries offer convenience and ease of use, the advantages of native JavaScript - performance optimization, granular control, fundamental proficiency, and leveraging evolving browser capabilities - make it an indispensable skill for developers seeking to excel in the ever-evolving landscape of web development. Learn it and embrace it.

In my experience, I have witnessed and interacted with many new developers who dive straight into learning various frameworks without first grounding themselves in native JavaScript. From my perspective, this approach can be quite problematic. I've seen firsthand how this lack of foundational knowledge in native JavaScript can create hurdles in their learning journey.


When new developers bypass the basics of vanilla JavaScript, they often miss out on understanding the core principles that underpin more complex frameworks. This gap in knowledge becomes evident when they encounter problems that require a deeper understanding of JavaScript's fundamental concepts. I've observed many struggling with tasks that could be simplified with a basic knowledge of native JavaScript.

So what's the strategic considerations we should follow when choosing?

When evaluating which path to take, here are several project-specific factors that should be considered:

  1. Project Scope-
    Larger, more complex applications may benefit from the structure that frameworks provide, whereas smaller projects might find that native JavaScript offers sufficient functionality without the added complexity.

  2. Team Expertise -
    The existing skills and experience of the development team can heavily influence the choice. A team well-versed in a specific framework can execute more efficiently within that framework.

  3. Maintenance and Future-proofing -
    Frameworks can become obsolete or fall out of favor, potentially leaving an application reliant on unsupported technology. Not all of them are as risky, this is where the 'trial and error' part comes into play...however....Native JavaScript, being the foundation of web development, doesn't carry the same risk.

  4. Load and Latency -
    The additional load times associated with importing libraries and frameworks should be justified by the productivity and functionality gains. Otherwise, the lean nature of native JavaScript may be preferable.

  5. Developer Ecosystem -
    As I stated earlier above about the dev 'community', the vibrancy of the developer community and the support available for a given technology can be a lifeline during development. This is true for both frameworks and native JavaScript.

What do we do

It's important to recognize the value of a balanced approach in web development. While libraries and frameworks undoubtedly offer a degree of convenience and efficiency, an overreliance on them can sometimes overshadow the fundamental benefits of understanding and utilizing native JavaScript. The key lies in the ability to discern when a framework is the right tool for the job and when a simpler, more direct approach with vanilla JavaScript might be more effective. The debate of libraries versus native JavaScript is less about choosing one over the other and more about understanding and leveraging both according to the needs of your project. By embracing this holistic approach, developers can ensure that they are well-equipped to tackle any challenge and deliver solutions that are not only effective but also optimized for performance and sustainability in the dynamic world of web development.

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