If you’re interested in WebAssembly, and don’t get enough depth here on DEV, read this…
WASM Builders is the new Forem in town. If you click that link, you’ll find the new WebAssembly Forem run by a consortium of deeply engaged companies looking to expand the impact of WebAssembly.

If you’re interested in WebAssembly, and don’t get enough depth here on DEV, read this…
Ben Halpern for The DEV Team ・ Mar 16 '22 ・ 2 min read
Learn Go: The complete course
Hey, welcome to the course, and thanks for learning Go. I hope this course provides a great learning experience!
Note: This course is also available for free on my website
Table of content
Restful API with Golang practical approach
In this tutorial, we would be creating a Restful API with a practical approach of clean architecture and native Golang without any frameworks.
There are lots of tutorials out there, for Restful API...

Restful API with Golang practical approach
Firdavs Kasymov ・ Oct 17 '22 ・ 21 min read
Serving Single-Page Application in a single binary file with Go
Although there are many alternatives to deploy a single-page application (SPA), you might find a situation where you need to deploy it in an isolated environment or just portability concern.
So in...

Serving Single-Page Application in a single binary file with Go
Arya Prakasa ・ Jun 19 '22 ・ 9 min read
Concurrency in modern programming languages: Rust vs Go vs Java vs Node.js vs Deno vs .NET 6
Originally published at deepu.tech.
This is a multi-part series where I'll discuss concurrency in modern programming languages. I will be building and benchmarking a concurrent web server, inspired...
Top comments (1)
Shoutout to all the awesome authors featured in this years's Top 5 in 2022: @ben , @karanpratapsingh , @firdavs_kasymov , @aryaprakasa , and @deepu105 🙌.